30 sept 2005

Microsoft, Intel join HD DVD - CA6260800

Video Business Online - 9/29/2005 - Microsoft, Intel join HD DVD - CA6260800: "Microsoft, Intel join HD DVD
UPDATE: Move puts pressure on both camps for unification
By Paul Sweeting 9/29/2005
SEPT. 29 | Having already split the Hollywood studios and the consumer electronics industry, the battle between Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD to become the next-generation optical disc format is now dividing the computer and information technology business.
Microsoft and Intel, the twin pillars of the �Wintel� platform that powers most of the world�s PCs, last week announced their support for HD DVD.
In a statement, Microsoft corporate VP media and technology convergence Blair Westlake said �[A]fter looking at the core advantages to the PC ecosystem and how it would benefit the consumer, it is clear that HD DVD offers the highest quality and is the most affordable and highly flexible solution available.�"

Microsoft, Intel join HD DVD

Video Business Online - 9/29/2005 - Microsoft, Intel join HD DVD - CA6260800: "Microsoft, Intel join HD DVD
UPDATE: Move puts pressure on both camps for unification
By Paul Sweeting 9/29/2005
SEPT. 29 | Having already split the Hollywood studios and the consumer electronics industry, the battle between Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD to become the next-generation optical disc format is now dividing the computer and information technology business.
Microsoft and Intel, the twin pillars of the �Wintel� platform that powers most of the world�s PCs, last week announced their support for HD DVD.
In a statement, Microsoft corporate VP media and technology convergence Blair Westlake said �[A]fter looking at the core advantages to the PC ecosystem and how it would benefit the consumer, it is clear that HD DVD offers the highest quality and is the most affordable and highly flexible solution available.�

The two companies cited HD DVD�s embrace of �managed copy� (a technique for allowing users to copy their discs onto a computer hard drive for use in a home network), its low-cost manufacturing, the availability of �hybrid� discs that will hold a regular DVD on one side and an HD DVD on the other and the format�s �superior capacity� compared with Blu-ray."

All Movie Cameras ever made

atoll medien | home: "The International Guide by Juergen Lossau. A book with 80 chapters about the formats, all former companies, the best designers and their models.

A catalog about all ever built 3,350 models: 16mm, 9.5mm, 8mm, Single 8, Super 8 and Double-Super-8 formats. From Ansco, Bell & Howell, Chinon, Fairchild, GAF, Geyer, Konica, Mamiya up to Revere, Ricoh or Wollensak. The first and only complete guide.
US-$ 119.00 including shipping. "


smallformat magazin: everything about small format Super 8 Film

filming in Super-8 or 16mm?then you should test smallformat!For 57 years, “schmalfilm” magazine has been published in German. Now, it’s out in English and it’s called smallformat.Take a look at our first issue: It’s got everything you want to know about the international Super-8 scene, new products, tips for better filming, tests, labs, film material, the history of camera brands, a collector’s marketplace, and portraits of interesting groups and films – worldwide. And it’s got stories on cameras, projectors, splicers, and covers details about every format: Super-8, Single-8, 8mm, 9.5mm, 16mm.

28 sept 2005

Movie Making Manual/Cinematography/Cameras and Formats/Table of Cameras - Wikibooks

Movie Making Manual/Cinematography/Cameras and Formats/Table of Cameras - Wikibooks: "Movie Making Manual/Cinematography/Cameras and Formats/Table of Cameras
From Wikibooks
< Movie Making Manual | Cinematography | Cameras and Formats
This Module is part of the Cinematography section of the Movie Making Manual"

For E-Mail Marketing, What's the Best Day?

For E-Mail Marketing, What's the Best Day?: "For E-Mail Marketing, What's the Best Day?
Published: September 27, 2005
(After October 05, 2005, this article will only be available to eStat Database subscribers.)

Monday has been thought to be the optimum day for commercial e-mail messages, but a new study says that might not be so.
Last year, two separate studies found that Monday was probably the best day to send commercial e-mail. Return Path found that e-mails sent on Monday had delivery rates markedly above average. The delivery rate on Friday was slightly below average, while the Saturday and Sunday rates were significantly below. Saturday was the worst day to send an e-mail in terms of delivery rate.
Another study, this one conducted by eROI, suggested that not only delivery rates, but also open and clickthrough rates were better on Mondays.
But a new report by ExactTarget asserts that there is no 'best day' to send commercial e-mails. If anything, the latter part of the week may be better. According to ExactTarget data, over 97% of campaigns are sent Monday through Friday. Wednesday is the peak day. "

Blu-ray.com - What is Blu-ray?

Blu-ray.com - What is Blu-ray?: "What is Blu-ray?

Blu-ray Disc

Blu-ray, also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD) is the name of a next-generation optical disc format jointly developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), a group of the world's leading consumer electronics, personal computer and media manufacturers (including Apple, Dell, Hitachi, HP, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TDK and Thomson). The format was developed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video (HD), as well as storing large amounts of data. A single-layer Blu-ray Disc can hold 25GB, which can be used to record over 2 hours of HDTV or more than 13 hours of standard-definition TV. There are also dual-layer versions of the discs that can hold 50GB.

While current optical disc technologies such as DVD, DVD�R, DVD�RW, and DVD-RAM use a red laser to read and write data, the new format uses a blue-violet laser instead, hence the name Blu-ray. Despite the different type of lasers used, Blu-ray products can easily be made backwards compatible through the use of a BD/DVD/CD compatible optical pickup and allow playback of CDs and DVDs. The benefit of using a blue-violet laser (405nm) is that it has a shorter wavelength than a red laser (650nm), which makes it possible to focus the laser spot with even greater precision. This allows data to be packed more tightly and stored in less space, so it's possible to fit more data on the disc even though it's the same size as a CD/DVD. This together with the change of numerical aperture to 0.85 is what enables Blu-ray Discs to hold 25GB/50GB.

With the rapid growth of HDTV, the consumer demand for recording HD programming is quickly rising. Blu-ray was designed with this application in mind and supports direct recording "

Blu-ray.com - IFA Berlin 2005 report

Blu-ray.com - IFA Berlin 2005 report: "Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA)

We started out at the joint booth of the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), where a lot of BDA member companies were showcasing their products. We were impressed by both the number of products on display as well as how advanced the prototypes are becoming, with support for interactive features, online content, networking, etc. As you will see in this report there was a wide range of Blu-ray players, recorders, drives, writers, media and software on display, which quite clearly shows how broad the industry support for Blu-ray Disc is. Overall everything seems to be coming along nicely. "

History of Blu-ray Disc

History of Blu-ray Disc: "History of Blu-ray Disc
When the CD was introduced in the early 80s, it meant an enormous leap from traditional media. Not only did it offer a significant improvement in audio quality, its primary application, but its 650 MB storage capacity also meant a giant leap in data storage and retrieval. For the first time, there was a universal standard for pre-recorded, recordable and rewritable media, offering the best quality and features consumers could wish for themselves, at very low costs. "

Produccion de Infomerciales

Infomerciales: "El Infomercial es la unión del telemarketing y la publicidad masiva en televisión para lograr ventas espectaculares de productos masivos exitosos
Podemos ofrecer un servicio total integral desde el guión y script, la producción en cine o video digital de alta definición hasta la venta final a tu consumidor con servicios de telemarketing y ventas de respuesta directa en infomerciales de respuesta directa en Televisión RDTV

Blue-ray y HD DVD a fondo

Blue-ray y HD DVD a fondo: "La guerra para suceder al DVD parece no tener fin. Dos candidatos, el Blue-ray y el HD DVD, y las más importantes compa�as a nivel mundial en cuanto a tecnologia, hardware, entretenimiento y demás dejan entrever lo intenso de este conflicto.
A falta de un año para que se empiecen a distribuir los primeros discos Blue-ray en los Estados Unidos, desde Xataka hemos querido recopilar información de ambos formatos, así como analizar y sopesar qué va a suponer que haya dos formatos en el mercado, incompatibles entre sí y con una misma función.
El Blue-ray es un formato de disco óptico pensado para almacenar vídeo de alta calidad y datos. Para su desarrollo se creó la BDA, en la que se encuentran, entre otros, Sony o Phillips.
El modelo básico, de una cara y una capa, podrá almacenar unos 25 GB, mientras que uno de doble capa podra llegar a los 54 GB. Incluso TDK ha presentado un modelo de 4 capas, el cul llega a los 100 GB.
Desde 2.003 ya se pueden encontrar en el mercado nipón grabadoras de este formato y en el 2.004 se introdujeron en Estados Unidos, aunque no con mucha aceptación. El próximo gran paso será cuando salga a la venta la PlayStation 3, los juegos de la cual estarán en este formato de almacenamiento.

Blu-ray Disc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Blu-ray Disc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Blu-ray Disc (BD) is a next-generation optical disc format meant for storage of high-definition video and data. The Blu-ray standard was jointly developed by a group of leading consumer electronics and PC companies called the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), led by Sony and Philips. As compared to the HD DVD format, its main competitor, Blu-ray has more information capacity, 25 instead of 15 gigabytes, but may initially be more expensive to support.
Blu-ray gets its name from the shorter wavelength (405 nm) of a 'blue' (technically blue-violet) laser that allows it to store substantially more data than a DVD, which has the same physical dimensions but uses a longer wavelength (650 nm) red laser."

Busqueda de blogs de Google

Busqueda de blogs de Google: "Busque blogs sobre sus temas favoritos

23 sept 2005

27 aniversario de Ocho Columnas Mayté Noriega:

27 aniversario de Ocho Columnas: "Mayté Noriega:
en la búsqueda constante de la verdad
Se trata de una mujer de enorme trayectoria cuyo trabajo lo ha desempeñado por el bien de México y que este año recibirá el Galardón Nacional por su gran desempeño periodístico

Laura Gutiérrez

María Esther Noriega Fernández nació en el Distrito Federal. Estudió Periodismo y Comunicación Colectiva en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, así como un posgrado en la Universidad de Navarra en España. Además, realizó un seminario de Historia del Arte en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
De 1997 a la fecha funge como Directora de Noticias de PCTV y es conductora del Noticiario TVC Noticias y del programa «Respuestas». Cuenta con una enorme trayectoria profesional, donde desde luego destaca su participación en el año 2000 como moderadora del debate de seis candidatos a la Presidencia de la República, aparte de que ha sido maestra de guionismo televisivo en la Escuela de Escritores de la SOGEM.
Ha escrito más de 300 guiones de televisión, por lo que se ha hecho acreedora a sinnúmero de reconocimientos, entre ellos en 1981 el Premio Nacional de Periodismo del Gobierno Federal al programa «Así fue la Semana», del que fue guionista y conductora. En 1994 recibió el Premio Nacional de Periodismo que otorga el Club de Periodistas, y en el 2004 el Premio de la Asociación Nacional de Locutores, Micrófono de Oro, entre otros..

HD-DVD vs. Blu-ray: And the Winner is...

HD-DVD vs. Blu-ray: And the Winner is...: "HD-DVD vs. Blu-ray: And the Winner is...

Barry Braverman

Sep 22, 2005 10:08 AM

E-mail this article

The high-resolution DVD format war continues to rage unabated with plenty of vitriol spewing from the lips of proponents and detractors on both sides. Unresolved, the outcome will likely benefit neither player as consumers, paralyzed by the competing formats, will simply opt out of the technology altogether. This is what happened a few years ago in the case of DVD-Audio vs. Super Audio CD, and it looks like we�re setting up for a similar debacle in coming months."

22 sept 2005

V�deo digital: Canon se zambulle de lleno en el HDV con la XL H1

V�deo digital: Canon se zambulle de lleno en el HDV con la XL H1: "Canon se zambulle de lleno en el HDV con la XL H1

Tras algunos meses de aparente inmovilismo, Canon ha dado a conocer sus intenciones en el �mbito de la producci�n de alta definici�n de bajo coste. Y lo ha hecho a lo grande, con la presentaci�n de la nueva videoc�mara de gama profesional XL H1, construida sobre el dise�o de la XL2 y con las especificaciones del formato HDV de alta definici�n.

Xavier Tom�s.- A pesar de ser uno de los impulsores -junto con otros grandes de la industria como JVC, Sharp o Sony- del reciente y cada vez m�s popular formato HDV, Canon ha esperado bastante m�s que algunos de sus competidores para poner sus cartas en juego. Bien sea cuesti�n de tiempo de desarrollo o de una estrategia para el an�lisis de la evoluci�n del mercado, lo cierto es que la firma ha creado la XL H1, una sofisticada y completa c�mara HD equipada con algunas innovadoras prestaciones.
HDV1080i a 50i, 25F y 24F
La nueva Canon XL H1 emplea cintas de formato MiniDV para la grabaci�n de secuencias de v�deo HDV1080i, esto es, de 1440 x 1080 p�xeles (aspecto 16:9) a 50i en PAL (25 fps entrelazado) y 60i en NTSC, con 4 canales de audio independientes. La principal novedad de la m�quina radica en la incorporaci�n, adem�s, de dos velocidades de fotogramas de tipo cinematogr�fico denominadas por la propia marca como '25F' y '24F' ('30F' y '24F', en la versi�n NTSC). "

19 sept 2005

A Plethora of Inexpensive Pixels

A Plethora of Inexpensive Pixels: "

Often times when you read about the integration, performance and power consumption benefits of advanced process lithograph


Avid goes HDV - Editing

Avid goes HDV - Editing - Consumer Camcorders - Camcorderinfo.com: "Video editing software manufacturer Avid has announced that they will be offering support for the new HDV format in their software as of October. They�ll be offering a free upgrade for their Xpress Pro and Media Composer Adrenaline HD products no later than October 17th. There�s no news on any HDV updates for their lower cost Xpress DV products, though. "

18 sept 2005


JVC Professional Features page: "JVC affordable HD Cinema production camera JVC's GY-HD100U opens a new area of digital cinematography, letting you unleash your creative potential with results that are nothing short of spectacular.

Full High Definition (HD) progressive recording at 24 frames per second
Compact shoulder style for stability, comfort and mobility
Three newly developed 1/3-inch CCDs with 1280 x 720 (square) pixels
Interchangeable lenses with standard 1/3-inch bayonet mount
Rugged die-cast body
16X Fujinon newly developed ProHD lens included
HD Focus Assist makes focusing faster and more precise
Live 720/60P analog component output
Dual Media option (record to disk and tape simultaneously)
XLR Audio inputs (x2)
Extensive user adjustable parameters can be stored on SD memory card
Spectacular standard definition performance, too! � records on MiniDV tape
HDV�/DV Format "

17 sept 2005

Sony Professional Announces HVR-A1U

Sony Professional Announces HVR-A1U - News, Guides and Tips - Consumer Camcorders - Camcorderinfo.com: "Sony Professional Announces HVR-A1U

In addition to the HDR-HC1, Sony professional announced the HVR-A1 a derivative of the consumer HDR-HC1. The HVR-A1 includes additional manual control as well as additional audio options including XLR inputs. "

16 sept 2005

IBC Site Component

IBC Site Component: "Sony debuts XDCAM HD

Bovis: 'WiFi is not up
to television work'
by George Jarrett
Sony has completed its line-up of HD formats with the launch of XDCAM HD, which sits between its HDV and HDCAM lines and offers users picture quality options through three bit rates.
Behind the three products on the stand - the PDW-F330 camcorder and PDW-F30 and F70 decks - is an MPEG-2 long GOP recording structure and some cute design thinking. This includes the ability to mix the three bit rates on a single disc. "

15 sept 2005

Canon unveils high definition XL H1 3CCD Camcorder

MacNN | Canon unveils high definition XL H1 3CCD Camcorder: "Canon unveils high definition XL H1 3CCD Camcorder
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 @ 8:05pm

Canon has debuted the XL H1 Camcorder, its latest 1080i HD lightweight camera with Cine controls and the ability to capture at 24 frame shooting mode. The Canon XL H1 offers a newly developed high definition lens, three 1.67 megapixel 16:9 native CCDs, and a new Digic DV II image processor. Other features include professional external camera control (CCU), six image custom presets, still image capture capability to SD cards, a PAL compatibility upgrade option, HDV recording capability, and much more. The Canon XL H1 is expected to be available in December. "

13 sept 2005

Sony HDR-HC1 HDV Camcorder Review

Sony HDR-HC1 HDV Camcorder Review - Sony HDV Camcorders - Sony Camcorders - Camcorder Reviews - Consumer Camcorders - Camcorderinfo.com: "Sony's new, under $2,000 High Definition (HDV) camcorder, the HDR-HC1. If you were waiting for quality consumer affordable HD in a well-built camcorder, the time has come. At a price of under two grand, the HDR-HC1 is poised to be a big seller, and not only because it is the most affordable HDV personal video device yet to hit the market. Behind its HDV logo is a camcorder with an amazingly crisp image and performance "

Las Nueva Canon de Cine Digital formato HDV

CAMCORDERINFO.COM EXCLUSIVECanon USA will announce a high definition HDV camcorder tomorow, Wednesday September 14th at the Canon EXPO event in New York at 10:30 AM. The new model will be very similar in shape, style, and features to the XL2 MiniDV camcorder. A reliable source close to Canon has given CamcorderInfo.com exclusive information about the model, its feature set, and its pricing. Although the announcement was under tight secrecy, Canon Europe displayed a model of the HDV camcorder at their booth at the International Broadcasters Conference in Amsterdam.
According to the source close to Canon USA, the new model will fall somewhere in the price range from $10,000 - $12,000, with a lens. The new camcorder will use the HDV (high defintion video) format. The camcorder will record only in the 1080 interlaced lines of resolution HDV specification of the format and will not have support for 720 lines progressive shooting. It should be noted that this source has provided CamcorderInfo.com with information in the past, and there information has always been accurate and correct. The information provided by the source will almost certainly match the final model, unless Canon changes the camcorder in the next three to four days

7 sept 2005

Katrina: respuesta efectiva?

BBC Mundo | Participe | Katrina: respuesta efectiva?: "Katrina: �respuesta efectiva?

La mayoría de Nueva Orleans sigue inundada.
Las autoridades de Nueva Orleans informaron que la evacuación a gran escala de las zonas devastadas de la ciudad fue completada y los equipos de socorro ahora van casa por casa en busca de sobrevivientes.
Por segunda vez en tres d�as, el presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Bush visitar� la regi�n devastada por el hurac�n Katrina para supervisar los esfuerzos de distribuci�n de ayuda que se han desplegado desde su �ltima visita. "

TIME.com: The 25 Most Influential Hispanics in America -- Page 1

TIME.com: The 25 Most Influential Hispanics in America -- Page 1: "From music to politics to business, Hispanics are remaking America. TIME presents 25 titans leading the Latino charge into the 21st century"

Attytood: When the levee breaks

Attytood: When the levee breaks: "But the cost of the Iraq war forced the Bush administration to order the New Orleans district office not to begin any new studies, and the 2005 budget no longer includes the needed money, he said.
The Senate was seeking to restore some of the SELA funding cuts for 2006. But now it's too late. One project that a contractor had been racing to finish this summer was a bridge and levee job right at the 17th Street Canal, site of the main breach. The levee failure appears to be causing a human tragedy of epic proportions:
'We probably have 80 percent of our city under water; with some sections of our city the water is as deep as 20 feet. Both airports are underwater,' Mayor Ray Nagin told a radio interviewer.
Washington knew that this day could come at any time, and it knew the things that needed to be done to protect the citizens of New Orleans. But in the tradition of the riverboat gambler, the Bush administration decided to roll the dice on its fool's errand in Iraq, and on a tax cut that mainly benefitted the rich.
And now Bush has lost that gamble, big time. We hope that Congress will investigate what went wrong here.
The president told us that we needed to fight in Iraq to save lives here at home, and yet -- after moving billions of domestic dollars to the Persian Gulf -- there are bodies floating through the streets of Louisiana. What does George W. Bush have to say for himself now?"

4 sept 2005

Blogs Will Change Your Business

Blogs Will Change Your Business: "Blogs Will Change Your Business
Look past the yakkers, hobbyists, and political mobs. Your customers and rivals are figuring blogs out. Our advice: Catch up...or catch you later "