30 nov 2010

Manifiesto por una Red Neutral Net Neutrality

Los ciudadanos y las empresas usuarias de Internet adheridas a este texto manifestamos:

1. Que Internet es una Red Neutral por diseño, desde su creación hasta su actual implementación, en la que la información fluye de manera libre, sin discriminación alguna en función de origen, destino, protocolo o contenido.

2. Que las empresas, emprendedores y usuarios de Internet han podido crear servicios y productos en esa Red Neutral sin necesidad de autorizaciones ni acuerdos previos, dando lugar a una barrera de entrada prácticamente inexistente que ha permitido la explosión creativa, de innovación y de servicios que define el estado de la red actual.

3. Que todos los usuarios, emprendedores y empresas de Internet han podido definir y ofrecer sus servicios en condiciones de igualdad llevando el concepto de la libre competencia hasta extremos nunca antes conocidos.

4. Que Internet es el vehículo de libre expresión, libre información y desarrollo social más importante con el que cuentan ciudadanos y empresas. Su naturaleza no debe ser puesta en riesgo bajo ningún concepto.

5. Que para posibilitar esa Red Neutral las operadoras deben transportar paquetes de datos de manera neutral sin erigirse en “aduaneros” del tráfico y sin favorecer o perjudicar a unos contenidos por encima de otros.

6. Que la gestión del tráfico en situaciones puntuales y excepcionales de saturación de las redes debe acometerse de forma transparente, de acuerdo a criterios homogéneos de interés público y no discriminatorios ni comerciales.

7. Que dicha restricción excepcional del tráfico por parte de las operadoras no puede convertirse en una alternativa sostenida a la inversión en redes

8. Que dicha Red Neutral se ve amenazada por operadoras interesadas en llegar a acuerdos comerciales por los que se privilegie o degrade el contenido según su relación comercial con la operadora.

9. Que algunos operadores del mercado quieren “redefinir” la Red Neutral para manejarla de acuerdo con sus intereses, y esa pretensión debe ser evitada; la definición de las reglas fundamentales del funcionamiento de Internet debe basarse en el interés de quienes la usan, no de quienes la proveen

10. Que la respuesta ante esta amenaza para la red no puede ser la inacción: no hacer nada equivale a permitir que intereses privados puedan de facto llevar a cabo prácticas que afectan a las libertades fundamentales de los ciudadanos y la capacidad de las empresas para competir en igualdad de condiciones.

11. Que es preciso y urgente instar al Gobierno a proteger de manera clara e inequívoca la Red Neutral, con el fin de proteger el valor de Internet de cara al desarrollo de una economía más productiva, moderna, eficiente y libre de injerencias e intromisiones indebidas. Para ello es preciso que cualquier moción que se apruebe vincule de manera indisoluble la definición de Red Neutral en el contenido de la futura ley que se promueve, y no condicione su aplicación a cuestiones que poco tienen que ver con ésta.

La Red Neutral es un concepto claro y definido en el ámbito académico, donde no suscita debate: los ciudadanos y las empresas tienen derecho a que el tráfico de datos recibido o generado no sea manipulado, tergiversado, impedido, desviado, priorizado o retrasado en función del tipo de contenido, del protocolo o aplicación utilizado, del origen o destino de la comunicación ni de cualquier otra consideración ajena a la de su propia voluntad. Ese tráfico se tratará como una comunicación privada y exclusivamente bajo mandato judicial podrá ser espiado, trazado, archivado o analizado en su contenido, como correspondencia privada que es en realidad.

Europa, y España en particular, se encuentran en medio de una crisis económica tan importante que obligará al cambio radical de su modelo productivo, y a un mejor aprovechamiento de la creatividad de sus ciudadanos. La Red Neutral es crucial a la hora de preservar un ecosistema que favorezca la competencia e innovación para la creación de los innumerables productos y servicios que quedan por inventar y descubrir. La capacidad de trabajar en red, de manera colaborativa, y en mercados conectados, afectará a todos los sectores y todas las empresas de nuestro país, lo que convierte a Internet en un factor clave actual y futuro en nuestro desarrollo económico y social, determinando en gran medida el nivel de competitividad del país. De ahí nuestra profunda preocupación por la preservación de la Red Neutral. Por eso instamos con urgencia al Gobierno español a ser proactivo en el contexto europeo y a legislar de manera clara e inequívoca en ese sentido.

(Si te sientes cómodo y representado por este texto, dale toda la difusión que puedas y quieras: reprodúcelo, enlázalo, tradúcelo, compártelo, vótalo… todas esas cosas que puedes hacer con total tranquilidad y libertad gracias, precisamente, al hecho de que tenemos todavía una red neutral. Hagamos posible el seguir teniéndola)

Check out this website I found at elcocinerofiel.com

28 nov 2010

Twelve Photographers Speak – A Collection Of YouTube Videos #Photography

via pixsylated.com

Posted via email from Video Film & TV World

Media Training Entrenamiento y capacitación para Directores Generales, Gobernadores, Alcaldes y Políticos

Media Training de Signal Group
Es un seminario intensivo, práctico e interactivo.

Se imparte en 1 o 2 sesiones con 10 Horas de duración total

Pueden asistir hasta 10 personas y tiene un costo de $11,500 dólares mas IVA.

El costo por persona adicional es de

$1,150 Dólares más IVA

El Ing. José María Noriega CEO de Signal Group con ejecutivos de la Asociación Mexicana de Intermediarios Bursátiles AMIB en el seminario Media Training

El Seminario es conducido por:
Ing. José María Noriega

CEO y Director General

de Signal Group

Mayté Noriega

Premio Nacional de Periodismo

Directora de Noticias

José Manuel del Río

Coach, Actor y Director de teatro

El seminario es útil para ejecutivos de alto nivel de Gobiernos, Organizaciones Sociales y

Empresas de cualquier industria en México tales como:

¿Para qué asistir a nuestro seminario-taller de media training?

Para adquirir los elementos teórico-prácticos necesarios para manejar la imagen publica y lograr con esto el mejoramiento personal e institucional de los asistentes y de la organización.

Para entrenarte como lider y vocero de tu organización, practicando tecnicas de entrevista con equipos de television, radio, prensa, medios masivos y redes sociales

Este seminario-taller de entrenamiento ejecutivo de medios de comunicación y las sesiones de coaching personalizado y grupal, están orientados a satisfacer las necesidades de comunicación formal de altos ejecutivos.

Este entrenamiento de medios de comunicación es especialmente necesario para gobiernos, partidos políticos y grandes empresasde producción, servicios, ciencia y tecnología.

El seminario-taller te ayudará a construir mensajes creíbles y sustentables para tratar con medios masivos, prensa,

analistas financieros y compromisos personales de presentación, adicionalmente te proporciona una sólida formación

con un simulador de entrevista duras con periodistas y analistas expertos.

¿Quiénes deben participar?

Directivos y Personas de Organizaciones que requieren una estrategia integral de comunicación con medios masivos y directos.

Metodología de trabajo
Exposición de expertos, ejercicios prácticos, taller interactivo, simulacro de entrevista en televisión y consultoría y diálogo con expositores.

Se entregarán, lecturas y materiales de apoyo para cada uno de los talleres


Planeación Integral de la Imagen e Identidad Corporativa y Personal

Manejo de Crisis: Preservar la Imagen de la Organización en Momentos Cruciales

Estrategia de Relaciones Públicas

Resolver de manera eficaz y eficiente, las comunicaciones en situaciones normales y de crisis empresarial, personal o institucional.

Construir, emitir y retroalimentar mensajes creíbles, de forma completamente convincente.

Aprender a reaccionar con calma y eficacia en situaciones de tensión, ante grupos y medios masivos

Temario del Seminario-Taller de Media Training
Se divide en 4 partes

3 Seminarios y Talleres y 1 Entrenamiento Practico ante cámaras de Televisión

1.- Seminario y Taller de Comunicaciones Integradas e Imagen pública

1.1 Comunicaciones Integradas - Sinergia de la Comunicación

Sistema para desarrollar un enfoque integral del manejo de las comunicaciones y medios en tu empresa, descubrirás como lograr la sinergia en la comunicación.

En este taller se identifica con detalle el uso apropiado de los diferentes medios de comunicación, como televisión, radio, Internet, Web 2.0, prensa escrita, revistas, espectaculares, medios impresos y relaciones internas y públicas que las empresas deben de considerar en sus comunicaciones integradas, se presenta un caso practico en DVD interactivo y se tiene una sesión de preguntas y respuestas.

El taller incluye herramientas de diagnóstico, presentación y dinámica interactiva con los participantes para afinar sus herramientas analíticas y sintéticas de comunicación en los medios masivos y directos.

La gente escucha cuando hay algo de índole personal en juego

La gente escucha cuando sabe que es responsable del resultado

La gente escucha en tiempos de crisis

La gente escucha a las figuras de autoridad

1.2 Taller de Imagen Pública

1.2.1 Como desarrollar un Plan de Comunicación e Imagen

1.2.2 Diseño de imagen institucional.

1.2.3 Indicadores de desempeño

1.2.4 Promoción y difusión institucional.

1.2.5 Oferta de servicios.

1.2.6 Vinculación inter-institucional.

1.2.7 Conocer los medios y sus características técnicas

1.2.8 Medios Masivos tradicionales y uso de las nuevas redes sociales Web 2.0 Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Ning

1.3 Taller ¿Cómo presentar el proyecto?

1.3.1 ¿Qué voy a hacer? Definición de metas y objetivos.

1.3.2 ¿Cómo lo voy a hacer? Medios y estrategias.

1.3.3 ¿Hacia quiénes está destinado? Destinatarios.

1.3.4 ¿A quién presentarlo? Instituciones financiadoras.

1.3.5 ¿Qué espero obtener? Impacto social.

1.3.6 Rendición de cuentas.

1.3.7 Métodos de evaluación.

Conductor y Coach:
Ing. José María Noriega C.A.S. Master on Technology, Brunel University, London, England

27 nov 2010

Produce comerciales de Television con la más alta calidad HD #HDSLR

Produce comerciales de Television con la más alta calidad en cine digital HDSLR Full HD 1920 x 1080
Con óptica de 35 mm

El video de la más alta calidad ahora se graba en Cámaras Full HD HDSLR con Sensor CMOS de tamaño cinematográfico

Rig Kit de producción cinematografica para HDSLR Montura de Hombro y Tripie, Matte Box y Follow Focus
Funciona con las siguientes cámaras #HDSLR Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Canon EOS 7 D, Canon EOS 60D, Canon EOS 550D m Nikon D7000, Nikon D5000, y Panasonic GF1 y GF2

Precio de venta Rig Sin Follow Focus $1600 Dólares mas IVA
Renta por dia Rig sin Follow Focus $160 Dólares más IVA
Precio de venta Rig Con Follow Focus $2400 Dólares mas IVA
Renta por dia Rig con Follow Focus $240 Dólares más IVA

Canon tiene la preventa del equipo EOS 60D a un precio especial y por un tiempo limitado.Los precios tanto del Kit con lente18-135mm, como del Cuerpo son los siguientes:

EOS 60D 18-135mm Kit $19,999 más IVA
Solo Cuerpo$16,999 mas IVA

La nueva cámara EOS 60D, ha sido diseñada pensando en aquellos fotógrafos que quieran a subir a un nuevo nivel de conocimientos fotográficos, con un sensor APS-C de 18 Megapíxeles, la EOS 60D ofrece altos niveles de detalle y un factor de aumento focal de 1,6x.

HDSLR Venta de Cámaras Canon Fotografía Digital para Video HDSLR DSLR Canon EOS 60D T2i T1i 7D 5d Mark II XSi Xti Digital HDSLR DSLR

24 nov 2010

Los supersonicos del siglo XXI > VIDEO Martin Aircraft Develop a Great Jetpack Prototype

La Canon EOS 60D no es la camara perfecta pero casi ...Digital Camera FULL Review #HDSLR

Canon EOS 60D


The Canon EOS 60D represents the middle of Canon’s SLR lineup, but it is a top-notch camera in terms of performance, handling and flexibility. We found that it had excellent color accuracy and took sharp images, although the 18-135mm kit lens that Canon sells with it has some issues.


Jump to a quick comparison of the Canon EOS 60D with these other similar cameras...

This review is organized into 21 parts:
Part 1
Product Tour

Part 2

Excellent color accuracy and wide dynamic range

Part 3

There was a fair bit of noise in images, especially those at higher ISOs

Part 4

The 60D can capture very sharp images, but it is let down by problems with the kit lens

Part 5
White Balance

The 60D judged most light sources accurately, but struggled to judge incandescent light

Part 6
Sample Photos

A gallery of photos taken with the Canon EOS 60D

Part 7

Images look great on the bright, sharp 3-inch screen, but there are only basic slideshow and editing features on offer

Part 8

The 60D is built around an APS-C CMOS sensor that captures 18.2 megapixel images

Part 9

Lots of buttons and dials provide quick access to controls, but may confuse some users

Part 10
Design & Handling

Large textured grip provides plenty to hold onto

Part 11
Video Color & Noise

The video that the 60D captured had smooth motion, but not quite as good as the 7D

Part 12
Video Motion & Sharpness

In our tests, the 60D had good color accuracy and low noise while shooting video

Part 13
Video Low Light Performance

The 60D shoots good quality video in low light

Part 14
Video Features

The 60D offers a great range of video features, including manual controls that work while shooting

Part 15
Canon EOS 7D Comparison

Canon EOS 7D
See how the EOS 60D stacks up.
Part 16
Nikon D300S Comparison

Nikon D300S
See how the EOS 60D stacks up.
Part 17
Sony Alpha SLT-A55V Comparison

Sony Alpha SLT-A55V
See how the EOS 60D stacks up.
Part 18
Samsung NX10 Comparison

Samsung NX10
See how the EOS 60D stacks up.
Part 19

Read our final conclusion of the Canon EOS 60D

Part 20
Specs & Ratings

See all the scores for the the Canon EOS 60D

Part 21

Read what people are saying about the Canon EOS 60D

Add your comments...

La Canon EOS 60D no es la cámara perfecta pero casi

Posted via email from Video Film & TV World

100 Great Resources for Cinematographers, Camera Assistants, and Film Professionals - The Black and Blue - A Camera Assistant's Blog

THE FINANCIAL PHILOSOPHER: Be Thankful: Contentment is True Wealth


"The wise man knows that it is better to sit on the banks of a remote mountain stream than to be emperor of the whole world." ~ Zhuangzi

As you give thanks, be mindful that you are practicing contentment, which in turn is the means to natural wealth.  Also, do your best to be thankful every day, not just one day per year. 

The first Thanksgiving in America was a feast among Pilgrims and Native Americans to celebrate what they had; there was no purpose or benefit in dwelling upon what they had not.  In that spirit, I will share with you quotes on contentment:

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. ~ Lau Tzu

Joy is not in things; it is in us. ~ Richard Wagner

What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner. ~ Colette

Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling. ~ Margaret Lee Runbeck

Every time I talk to a savant I feel quite sure that happiness is no longer a possibility. Yet when I talk with my gardener, I’m convinced of the opposite. ~ Bertrand Russell

Anyone who thinks money will make you happy doesn’t have money. Happiness is more difficult to obtain than money. ~ David Geffen

It is the mind that maketh good or ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor. ~ Michel de Montaigne

The world is so constructed, that if you wish to enjoy its pleasures, you also must endure its pains. ~ Swami Brahmananda

Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure. But unfortunately, although it is true, it is difficult for us to accept it. Because we cannot accept the truth of transience, we suffer. ~ D.T. Suzuki

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. ~ Reinhold Niebuhr 

Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy. ~ Lao Tzu

Slow down and the thing you are chasing will come around and catch you. ~ Leaf in hand

Zen saying

People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

My opinion is that you never find happiness until you stop looking for it. ~ Zhuangzi

Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside. ~ Ramana Maharishi

All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone. ~ Blaise Pascal

A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety. ~ Aesop

There are three words that convey the secret of the art of living, the secret of all success and happiness: One With Life. Being one with life is being one with Now. You then realize that you don’t live your life, but life lives you. Life is the dancer, and you are the dance. ~ Eckhart Tolle

Be thankful. Be content. Be rich.



Be Thankful (and Remain That Way)

(Why You Need to) Get 'Rich' Quickly!

Posted via email from Signal Group

23 nov 2010

Venta de Bodega o Coinversion para Desarrollo Inmobiliario | Vendo Inmueble


Venta de Bodega o Busco Co-inversionistas o Prestamo con Garantía Hipotecaria para desarrollar Departamentos de Interes Social en mi propiedad inmobiliaria
Plan de Negocios “Proyecto Juan A De La Fuente 20”
Maximizar la inversión que se puede obtener de la propiedad ubicada en
Juan A. De la Fuente 20 Col Obrera
Propiedad Inmobiliaria en el Centro de la Ciudad de Mexico a 60 Metros de la Estacion Doctores del METRO
En la Calle de Juan Antonio de la Fuente 20 Entre Lucas ALaman y Fernando de Alva Ixtlixochitl
Colonia Obrera
Con las siguientes características:
Terreno de aprox 245 m2 ubicado en la Colonia Obrera
Valor comercial $4, 500,000

El terreno cuenta en la actualidad con una nave industrial de 1 planta con 3 áreas delimitadas por paredes, 1 área con techo de concreto
1 baño
1 tapanco de hierro con construcción de oficina
1 Inmueble de 2 Pisos con 2 habitaciones pequeñas 1 sala, 1 comedor 1 cocineta 2 medios baños, con una sala grande
Ubicación 19.42912 Latitud Norte, -99.142024 Longitud Oeste
Enlace Google Maps Mexico


Posted via email from Signal Group

100 Twitter Feeds That Teach You History | Associate Degree - Facts and Information

100 Twitter Feeds That Teach You History

August 19th, 2009

By Rose Jensen

With all the buzz about Twitter being the latest source for breaking news, it may be easy to overlook the fact that Twitter is also a good place to look for information about the past. Whether you are studying history and want a little additional knowledge to support what you are learning in class or are just a history buff, then you will want to check out these Twitter feeds that offer all sorts of historical facts ranging from American history to European history to history of specific places or building to history of families to history in the making.

General History Feeds

These feeds offer a bit of history from several different eras and regions.

  1. @historytweeter. From the Stone Age to Dickens, get interesting history tidbits here.
  2. @Historyday. Learn what happened on this day in history (sometimes as recent as last year).
  3. @WWHistory. Get "today in history" updates on this feed.
  4. @worldhistory. This feed provides lots of historical facts from history around the world.
  5. @history_is_cool. This literary publicist shares great history books alongside historical facts.
  6. @history_geek. The feed from this history professor includes talk of academia as well as fun historical facts such as what Romans used for toilet paper.
  7. @AnswersDotCom. Get birthday and death day anniversaries along with other interesting facts.
  8. @HistoryTweet. From the anniversary of the first signal light to Nixon’s resignation, this feed offers lots of fun historical facts.
  9. @Discovery_News. Among the science news updates here you will also find lots of science history facts.

History with an American Perspective

These Twitter feeds focus mainly on American history.

  1. @kevindmccann. History of Tennessee, baseball, and the Civil War may all show up on this feed.
  2. @HISTORY_Daily. The History Channel tweets about events in history as well as information about their TV station.
  3. @JQAdams_MHS. The Massachusetts Historical Society is tweeting a line a day from John Quincy Adam’s private journal.
  4. @dancohen. Find lots of links to digital archives documenting history on this feed.
  5. @wceberly. Keep up with what happened today in American history with this feed.
  6. @PineyCreekBytes. A chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, this Colorado group updates with historical facts from the American Revolutionary War.
  7. @VHStudio. Get photos and art depicting important moments in American history.
  8. @CAFMuseum. Find important dates in American history, especially as it pertains to air power.
  9. @Presidentfacts. Learn unusual and interesting facts about the American presidents here.

History with a European Perspective

Don’t forget about the rich history of Europe–these Twitter feeds haven’t.

  1. @HistoryTODAY. Get your European history with this feed from the editor of History Today magazine.
  2. @TheHistoryWoman. This journalist’s feed focuses mostly on Germany and the UK, but includes facts from around the world.
  3. @HistoryTimes. With a nice blend of history and its impact on today, this feed offers interesting information with a British accent.
  4. @BBCHistoryMag. Find plenty of fascinating history facts here.

Regional History

These feeds look at the history of a specific geographic region.

  1. @TampaBayHistory. Get a daily dose of Tampa Bay history from this feed.
  2. @LucyDJones. Find interesting facts about Florida history here.
  3. @AASLH. This organization interprets and records American state and local history.
  4. @brooklynhistory. The Brooklyn Historical Society writes this feed all about Brooklyn.
  5. @mightyby. This feed features Alabama history as well as aviation history.
  6. @NZHistorydotnet. Learn about the history of New Zealand here.
  7. @GreenerParks. The San Bernardino County Regional Parks not only give up-to-date information about the parks, but lots of history too.
  8. @mnhs. Find photos and historical facts about Minnesota on this feed from the Minnesota Historical Society.

Museums and Libraries

Museums and libraries have plenty to offer when it comes to history, and their Twitter feeds provide a sampling.

  1. @smithsonian. Keep up with the fun historical facts that this famous museum has to offer on their feed.
  2. @airandspace. This branch of the Smithsonian shares history important to air and space.
  3. @HMSF. The Historical Museum of Southern Florida posts about events at the museum as well as historical facts related to the area.
  4. @TheWomensMuseum. This museum highlights women in history from 1500 to present day.
  5. @amhistorymuseum. From light bulbs made out if Legos and Julia Child, follow this feed for American cultural history.
  6. @GettyMuseum. Art history and other interesting facts are found in this feed.
  7. @librarycongress. Take a peek at some of the collections available at the Library of Congress.
  8. @fordstheatre. Find out what is happening at this historic theater with their feed.
  9. @portableant. From the British Museum Portable Antiquities ICT advisor, this feed offers tons of links to photos and information.
  10. @logcabinvillage. This log cabin village in Fort Worth, TX provides information about log cabins and life from that era.
  11. @NYHistory. Learn about memoirs, exhibits, and more from this museum that features New York history.

History and Preservation of Structures

Old structures hold much history in them. These feeds share the history of buildings and other structures across the US.

  1. @handsonhistory. This organization preserves historical buildings and shares their work on this feed.
  2. @Historianizer. This feed features information about historical buildings and structures around the US.
  3. @HistoricShed. This company offers advice and products to help preserve historic homes.
  4. @OldHouseWeb. People who love old houses will find lots of fun facts here.
  5. @ForgottenChi. Find links highlighting forgotten architect and structures around Chicago in this feed.
  6. @tenementmuseum. Written from the perspective of this 5-story tenement built in 1863, this feed features historical facts relevant to the structure as well as current events happening there.

Cultural History

History doesn’t have to be only about battles and politics, as these feeds attest, but can also provide insight to popular trends and fun facts.

  1. @HistoryOfAll. Find lots of entertaining historical tidbits such as when women started shaving under their arms and when stainless steel was invented.
  2. @LemelsonCenter. Invention and innovation are the subjects mentioned here and frequently feature fun moments in the history of innovation.
  3. @emailfwds. This feed provides lots of random information, much of it historical in nature, such as the fashion of drinking chocolate with your alcohol in the 17th century.
  4. @trainstoday. This train-loving Twitter feed often features photos and other historical facts about trains, railroads, and bridges.
  5. @auldmags. Famous quotes, sports history, and more will show up in this feed.
  6. @dayinhistory. From the publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland to the death of Anton Chekhov, this feed provides lots of cultural history.
  7. @johnabartram. This archeologist shares ancient history and archeology’s impact on today.
  8. @historicaltweet. If famous historical figures could use Twitter, here is what they would be saying in 140 characters or less.
  9. @nbclearn. This educational arm of NBC tweets fun historical facts here.
  10. @history_book. Get information about history books on the day they are published with this feed.
  11. @trexblog. Learn what this T-Rex has to share about popular history when you follow this fun feed.
  12. @whatexactly. This feed provides interesting and odd facts, some historical and some not.
  13. @oldnews. This feed relates old news stories from the 20th century.

K-12 History Teachers

What better place to learn about history than from those teaching it to youth in schools. Here is a sampling of their Twitter feeds.

  1. @russeltarr. This history teacher posts historical facts along with teaching resources.
  2. @ushistorysite. Both history facts and resources for history teachers are on this feed.
  3. @ernieeaster. Find links to resources such as cartography maps and more.
  4. @robcrawley. Get fun days in history facts with this American history teacher.
  5. @activehistory. Find history facts and worksheets for history teachers.
  6. @IanS1974. This British teacher shares lots of ideas when school is in session.
  7. @bcondesso. History resources and current education policy both feature here.
  8. @woodenmask. Teaching, parenting, and history are the subjects of this Twitter feed.
  9. @a_armstrong. Find lots of resources for history teachers and learners here.
  10. @Oralhistorybuff. History sites, social studies pages, and other helpful resources are posted on this teacher’s feed.
  11. @AmerHistTeach. This teacher shares links to history resources, technology for the classroom, and much more.


Learn about the rich history hidden among each family’s ancestors with these feeds that provide resources and history for those interested in genealogy.

  1. @FamilyStories. Genealogy and history get equal billing on this feed.
  2. @benotforgot. Get genealogy resources as well as historical information here.
  3. @rootstelevision. This feed is from RootsTelevision.com and offers great family history information.
  4. @michaelhait. A professional genealogist, Michael Hait shares tips and resources for finding your family history.
  5. @geneabloggers. This feed features information and stories about family history.
  6. @genealogynews. Find genealogy resources as well as actual famous family trees here.
  7. @genseek. Get tons of resources and news about genealogy with this feed.
  8. @MyHeritage. This international company shares resources and more to help you find your family.
  9. @lagenealogy. If you had or have family in Louisiana, then you will want to check out this genealogy feed.
  10. @dickeastman. Updates from Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter are features here.

Politics and History

Politics is an important part of history. Take a look at these feeds that touch on politics of the past as well as today.

  1. @Micah24601. This political science student offers frequent historical facts, usually politically oriented.
  2. @sklopfer. Civil rights and cold cases are the specialty here with some real-time politics mixed in too.
  3. @executedtoday. This feed highlights famous executions throughout history along with current death penalty news.
  4. @whitehouse. Follow this official Twitter feed from the White House to see what is happening in American politics.
  5. @FreedomMuseum. Freedom and first amendment rights are the topics here with a few pieces of historical information thrown in as well.
  6. @DrSeanForeman. This political science professor comments on politics with an aim to speak on Republican, Democrat, and Independent stances.
  7. @prof_gabriele. This professor of medieval studies tweets about current politics.
  8. @Klmarcus. Kenneth L. Marcus is a public affairs professor, constitutional lawyer, and anti-Semitism expert whose feed will keep you current with what is happening in the world of politics.
  9. @SenJohnMcCain. Find out what the Republican senator and former presidential candidate has to say here.
  10. @TheElders. This group of international leaders is headed by Nelson Mandela and posts about important global news and events.
  11. @algore. Politics and climate change are the focus of Al Gore’s Twitter feed.
  12. @ClintonNews. This unofficial feed provides news about the work being done by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Historical Figures Tweeting

History is always in the making. Take advantage of the opportunity to hear from these famous people while they are alive and creating history.

  1. @therealBuzz. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin tweets about space and what he is doing now on this feed.
  2. @lancearmstrong. Follow this world-class athlete and cancer survivor as he makes history.
  3. @StephenHawking. This feed posts quotes from Stephen Hawking, the famous physicist and mathematician.
  4. @JohnCleese. The legendary British actor and comedian tweets with his trademark humor here.
  5. @yokoono. Famous artist and wife of John Lennon, Yoko Ono tweets in this feed.
  6. @zappos. Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, has become wildly famous for both his smart business practices as well as his customer relations and social media participation.
  7. @drewbrees. This football quarterback is not only known for his amazing skill on the field, but also for the charitable activities he and his wife have supported.

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El Vaticano se apunta a la HD y planea emisiones en 3D en Hiperdef (1080p)

Picking the Right Version of ProRes

This article was first published in the May, 2010, issue of
Larry's Monthly Final Cut Studio Newsletter. Click here to subscribe.

With the release of Final Cut Pro 7, Apple increased the number of ProRes versions from two to five:

  • ProRes 422 Proxy
  • ProRes 422 LT
  • ProRes 422
  • ProRes 422 HQ
  • ProRes 4444

So, that begs the question: which version should you use for your project.

First, four of the five flavors of ProRes are identical in every respect, except one. They all support:

  • Intra-frame encoding, meaning each frame is individually compressed as a stand-alone picture, unlike GOP-based encoding like XDCAM EX or HDV.
  • Variable bit-rate data encoding, creating smaller files than constant bit rate encoding.
  • 10-bit color depth, for very high color fidelity
  • 4:2:2 chroma sub-sampling, the maximum allowed for video formats
  • Fast render times, much faster than GOP-compressed video like XDCAM EX or HDV
  • Faster editing within Final Cut Pro
  • Matching the frame rate, frame size, and pixel aspect ratio of the source video
  • Optimized for multiple processor support

Unlike H.264, ProRes encoding and decoding are optimized for multiple processors.

ProRes 4444, the fifth version, builds on the first four ProRes versions, then adds support for the following:

  • RGB or YCbCr color space
  • Up to 12-bit color support
  • Inclusion of the transparency (alpha channel) information in a clip

If you need a clip to retain transparency information, which is called the "Alpha channel," you only have one choice: ProRes 4444. None of the other ProRes versions support clip transparency.

Well, since it's clear that ProRes 4444 is the absolute "best" in terms of quality, it seems like we should all just select ProRes 4444 and be done with it.

The problem with this approach is that your file sizes can be quite large, not as large as fully uncompressed HD, but still pretty darn big. And, unless you have a specific need for this format, you probably won't be able to see the difference between ProRes 4444 and other ProRes versions. Also, using ProRes 4444 in your project probably means you'd need to render every shot.

Think of ProRes 4444 as the replacement for the Animation codec. We use the Animation codec when we want to move files between one application and another; for example, between After Effects and Final Cut. Then, once it's in Final Cut, you render it into the final version you need for your project.

As a transfer format, ProRes 4444 is great. As a video editing format, it's way past overkill. Most of the time, you will be fully happy with one of the four other versions. And your file sizes will be much smaller.

The four other versions of ProRes differ in only one area: data rate. Changing the data rate directly affects file size and image quality. The slower the data rate, the smaller the resulting file and, potentially, the lower the image quality.

For example, here's a table that showcases the difference. This is just a guide, different formats create different file sizes, but the general proportions will be the same.

ProRes Version Store 1 Hour of 720p/60*

ProRes 422 Proxy

20 GB

ProRes 422 LT

46 GB

ProRes 422

66 GB

ProRes 422 HQ

99 GB

ProRes 4444 (no alpha)

148 GB

* Source: Apple Inc. ProRes White Paper, June, 2009.

However, the situation isn't as grim as you might think. Here are some suggestions you can reflect on as you are trying to decide what codec to use.


If you are shooting GOP-compressed media - HDV, XDCAM HD, XDCAM EX, AVCHD, AVCCAM - your editing and render times will greatly benefit from converting your footage from the source format into some version of ProRes.

At a minimum, when editing one of these formats, select the Timeline and go to Sequence > Settings > Render Control and change the codec from Same as Source to Apple ProRes 422. My tests have shown that there is about a 40% speed improvement in rendering when you switch to ProRes.

ProRes 422 HQ: This is the highest-quality video format, but unless you are shooting very carefully-lit, high-end video, such as RED, HDCAM, or HDCAM SR, the quality of your source image doesn't equal the format. Use this version only for high-end work.

ProRes 422: This is the format I recommend for anyone shooting DSLR, HDV, AVCHD, XDCAM EX, XDCAM HD, AVCAM, or P2. Great image quality, with file sizes 30-35% smaller than ProRes 422 HQ. Since the DSLR images start as H.264, which is already quite compressed, ProRes 422 most closely matches the original image quality.

ProRes 422 LT: This is the format to use if you have tons of footage, need to edit using smaller (i.e. less storage space) hard drives, or are going to go thru an off-line to on-line process.

ProRes 422 Proxy: This format should only be used when file size is more important than image quality. Training files, library archive files, or other reference media are a good choice for this format.

NOTE: If you are on an older, non-Intel system, ProRes may not be a good choice for you. The math involved is very CPU-intensive and older systems may not be able to encode or play it fast enough.

ProRes is an excellent video codec and one that has achieved great popularity in the industry. However, that doesn't mean you always need to select the absolute highest quality -- many times our images weren't that good to start with.

By spending a few seconds thinking about which ProRes version best matches our video format, we can save a ton of time and storage space down the road.


Larry Jordan is a post-production consultant and an Apple-Certified Trainer in Digital Media with over 25 years experience as producer, director and editor with network, local and corporate credits. Based in Los Angeles, he's a member of both the Directors Guild of America and the Producers Guild of America.

The information in this article is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, the author assumes no liability in case things go wrong. Please use your best judgment in applying these suggestions.

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. This newsletter has not been reviewed or sanctioned by Apple or any other third party. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are mentioned here for editorial purposes only.

Links to my website home page or this article are welcome and don't require prior permission.

Very Interesting post from Larry Jordan on the use of the adequate ProRES Codec in FCP 7

Posted via email from Video Film & TV World

19 nov 2010

Los mejores consejos sobre #Mercadotecnia en #Mexico #Estrategia #Publidad

Los consejos de Palacio de Hierro
Para Carlos Salcido, director de mercadotecnia de El Palacio de Hierro, lo más importante es mantener la conversación con los clientes, ofrecer algo que sea ...
Los Consejos de Comercial Mexicana
Andrés Ehrli, director de Mercadotecnia y Publicidad para Comercial Mexicana considera que lo que busca la gente en redes sociales es libertad. ...
Los consejos de Pedigree
Para Moises Michán, Director de mercadotecnia Mars México-Petcare, lo fundamental antes de lanzar una campaña es establecer los principios y valores que van ...
Los consejos de Carlos V
El Monstruo de la Mercadotecnia afirma que estos medios permiten a las marcas conocer más sobre los puntos de vista de sus consumidores.
Los consejos de Queso Philadelphia
El Monstruo de la Mercadotecnia de la revista Expansión considera que se debe utilizar este medio para realizar pruebas y afinar la manera en la que se ...
Los consejos de Cadenatres
... de Entretenimiento de Cadenatres, quien fue nombrado como Monstruo de la Mercadotecnia por la revista Expansión gracias a la serie "Las Aparicio". ...
Los consejos de AXA
... es que la idea de tu producto esté bien sustentada y eso se refleje en la campaña", considera el Monstruo de la Mercadotecnia de la revista Expansión.
Los consejos de Axtel
... de tener clientes más activos que digan lo que les gusta y lo que no", afirma la Monstruo de la Mercadotecnia por parte de la revista Expansión.
Los consejos de American Express
La campaña 24/7 de la marca, tuvo exposición a este tipo de sitios y ha sido reconocida como uno de los Monstruos de la Mercadotecnia por la revista ...


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© Jose Maria Noriega Fernandezhttp://www.whohub.com/videoworld

VideoWorld Red de Productores Video Film TV Mar... - VideoWorld - Meme

18 nov 2010

10 Expertos de Negocios dan consejos de #mercadotecnia y #estrategia para #Empresas y #PYMES #VIDEO via @elempresariomx

Mario Borghino
"Recetas para crecer en tiempos de crisis"

Christine Clifford
"Vendiendo lo invisible: cuatro herramientas para vender servicios"
Enrique Gómez Gordillo
"Once claves de Marketing para seducir a nuevos clientes"
Raciel Sosa
“Generando Pymes altamente competitivas”
Bruno Ricco
"Pequeños negocios, grandes innovaciones"
Carlos Kasuga
"Calidad y productividad al estilo japonés en la Pyme mexicana"
Jorge Vergara
"Invertir y reinvertir"
Luigi Valdés
"El dado de siete caras: Estrategias innovadoras para tu empresa"
Silvia Singer Sochet
"Educación financiera para tu negocio"
Enrique Gómez Gordillo
"Nueve lecciones de liderazgo y motivación"
via @elempresariomx

© Jose Maria Noriega Fernandez


Posted via email from Signal Group