16 dic 2008

Nueva Cámara de Cine Digital 24p HVR-Z5 & FX1000

Sony anunció una nueva generación de tecnologías de producción HDV, que incluye una nueva camcorder compacta, la HVR-Z5N, y una unidad de grabación en memoria, la HVR-MRC1K.

La nueva cámara de Sony HVR-Z5 de 3 CMOS y Lente profesional Fijo G con gran angular de 29.5mm y un nuevo zoom óptico 20x optical zoom, 3 ND filters (1/4, 1/16, 1/64) and independent focus, zoom and iris rings.
Precio $5100 Dólares más IVA

Baja el folleto

1 dic 2008

Navidad SA

La pelicula Mexicana con más efectos especiales
Direccion: Fernando Rovzar
Actuacion: Pedro Armendáriz (Santa Claus), Adal Ramones (Marmo), Alejandra Ambrosi (Liz), Héctor Jiménez (Chicharo) y Mauricio Barrientos (Tito).
País: Mexico
Año: 2008

Que trabajo tan honesto, MUY Divertida, muy buena fotografia, los efectos bastante creibles y muy adecuados, una direccion muy mesurada y muy atinada, Muy MEXICANA con una historia que puede gustar internacionalmente

Realmente la disfrutamos en familia y ademas nos dio mucho gusto que el Equipo de Actores, Staff, Directores y Productores sean de nuestro pais, un fuerte BRAVO y felicitaciones a todos los que participaron

La actuacion de Pedro Armendariz y en general de todos es muy buena, siendo una opera prima de Fernando Rovzar realmente muy buena, la producción muy profesional, y siendo una pelicula mexicana un gran logro, hace falta cine familiar mexicano, esta pelicula sera recordada como un magnifico esfuerzo-

25 nov 2008

Nueva Cámara de Cine Digital 24p HVR-Z5 & FX1000

Cámara de Sony HVR-Z5 de 3 CMOS y Lente profesional Fijo G con gran angular de 29.5mm y un nuevo zoom óptico 20x optical zoom, 3 ND filters (1/4, 1/16, 1/64) and independent focus, zoom and iris rings.
Precio anunciado $5100 Dólares más IVA

Sony presenta esta nuva generación de tecnología de producción HDV™ con el nuevo camcorder compacto, el HVR-Z5, y la unidad de grabación de memoria compact flash, la HVR-MRC1K. El camcorder posee un nuevo sistema de "lente G", capacidad de grabación progresiva nativa para cine digital 24p, mayor sensibilidad para condiciones de poca luz y muchas otras características diseñadas para la producción general de Cine Digital y TV.

Esta dirigida a videógrafos, productores de cine y comerciales y profesionales de la producción de vídeos corporativos. La unidad de grabación de memoria ofrece la opción de grabación CompactFlash™, no sólo para el nuevo camcorder sino para todos los camcorders profesionales HDV.

Al mismo tiempo Sony libera para aficionados avanzados la nueva Handycam FX1000 hermana menor de la HVR-Z5 sin entradas profesionales de audio

Caracteristicas principales
Grabación HDV 1080i progresiva con modo 24p
Nuevo lente Sony de alto desempeño G Lens™ de 29.5mm wide angle y zomm optico 20x
3 sensores CMOS de 1/3” ClearVid CMOS sensor con tecnología Exmor™ lo que permite grabación en poca luz
Pantalla LCD Photo-realistica 3.2
Controles Fílmicos de Gamma y Color
CinemaTone Gamma™ and CinemaTone Colour™ for rich, filmic tones
Estabilizador Optico en el lente
Funciones manuales con triple anillo de foco, zoom & iris

Baja el folleto

24 nov 2008

¡Que viva México! - Sergei Eisenstein

Que viva México! (en ruso, Да здравствует Мексика!) fue un proyecto filmico inconcluso de Serguéi Eisenstein. La producción estuvo marcada por dificultades y finalmente abandonada. Jay Leyda y Ziba Voynow lo denominan su plan de filme más grande y su tragedia personal más grande[1] . Eisenstein llega a México en diciembre de 1930, patrocinado por Upton Sinclair y su esposa Mary Kimbrough Sinclair.

El material original nunca fue montado. El material filmado ha sido reconstruido por otros bajo los titulos de Thunder Over Mexico, Eisenstein in Mexico, Death Day y Time in the Sun. En 1979 Grigori Aleksandrov, a partir de los storyboards originales de Eisenstein, compiló Da zdravstvuyet Meksika!, una aproximación al montaje que éste planeaba.

La estructura del filme, en la reconstrución de Aleksandrov es de cuatro episodios, más un prólogo y un epílogo. El prólogo presenta imágenes alegóricas al México prehispánico. El episodio "Sandunga" recrea los preparativos de una boda indígena en Tehuantepec. "Fiesta" desarrolla el ritual de la fiesta brava, mientras que "Maguey" escenifica la tragedia de un campesino victimado por rebelarse en contra de su patrón. "Soldadera" (episodio no filmado) presentaría el sacrificio de una mujer revolucionaria. El epílogo, también conocido como "Día de muertos", se refiere al sincretismo de las distintas visiones que coexisten en México alrededor del tema de la muerte.

21 nov 2008

Calculadora de Lentes y Campo de Vision

Página para calcular diferentes caracteristicas de lentes
Longitud focal, equivalencia de lentes entre diferentes sensores, etc.
Muy util para entender el factor de cropeo que se da al utilizar lentes en camaras de cine o fotograficas que tienen sensores de diferente tamaño al del negativo

This calculator computes the equivalent lens focal length and aperture necessary to produce the same angular field of view and depth of field on two cameras with different sensor sizes.

Videos Virales la nueva forma de hacer marketing en las redes sociales

Videos Virales: "Videos Virales para WEB 1 día de rodaje y producción 1 día de postproducción
Es la oportunidad de hacer participar a tu audiencia en línea ...
Aprovecha la creación de compromiso y pasión por tu marca en la Web a través del video

Ejemplo de videos de Mac en las redes sociales.

Las plataformas de promoción de marca han cambiado. Tradicionalmente las marcas se promovían en los medios de comunicación tradicionales a través de audiencias simples en TV, radio, prensa, revistas, etc.

Te tengo una noticia esto ya cambió

Ahora las marcas deben llegar a sus públicos actuando en las redes sociales y sus plataformas interactivas y competir con contenidos de entretenimiento que acerquen el estilo de vida de sus audiencias con una sutil aproximación hacia las marcas

¿Qué le interesa a tu audiencia?

Ellos son estudiantes, adolescentes, DJs, trabajadores de oficina, y padres. Son elegantes, inteligentes, y abrazan las nuevas tendencias que los inspiran y hacen un llamamiento a su estilo de vida.
Las nuevas audiencia jóvenes, interactúan con el contenido en línea, en sus propios términos. • El video de marketing viral, descubre, comparte y promueve lo que les gusta. • Es altamente definida e interactua en todas las redes sociales.
El video de marketing viral NO ES UN ANUNCIO, es una comunicación fresca que entretiene a su audiencia, promueve sutilmente la marca, en el video de marketing viral el reconocimiento del producto es secundario.

18 nov 2008

Cine 3° Seminario de Experiencia para Productores

Cinérgica: "3° Seminario de Experiencia para Productores

Para solicitar ficha de inscripción haz clic aquí: lucubrador@cinergica.org y envía el correo con el asunto: 'solicitud de inscripción'. A vuelta de correo electrónico recibirás la ficha. Llénala y regrésala. Por último recibiras un mensaje de confirmación y tu número de control. La fecha límite para solicitar ficha es el 29 de noviembre."

Salinas Pliego de TV Azteca invierte en Circuit City

Mexican Billionaire Builds 28% Stake In Circuit City - 11/18/2008 8:18:00 AM - TWICE: "Mexican Billionaire Builds 28% Stake In Circuit City
By Alan Wolf -- TWICE, 11/18/2008 8:18:00 AM
Mexico City — Mexican tycoon Ricardo Salinas Pliego has snatched up more than 47 million shares of Circuit City, making him the company’s largest shareholder.
Pliego, a billionaire whose conglomerate Grupo Salinas encompasses retailing, banking, TV broadcasting and wireless services, acquired more than 30 million shares over three days following Circuit City’s bankruptcy filing last week. He paid an average of 24 cents per share, Securities and Exchange Commission documents show.
Pliego now controls nearly 28 percent of Circuit City stock. By comparison, activist investor Mark Wattles, who successfully agitated for change on Circuit City’s board, holds a 6.5 percent stake in the company.
Forbes pegs the Pliego family as the world’s 154th wealthiest, with a net worth of $6.3 billion. Their holdings include Elektra, a leading Latin American CE and appliance chain that carries its own line of Elektra brand consumer electronics.

Another Mexican tycoon, former CompUSA owner Carlos Slim Helu, offered to buy Circuit City for $8 a share in 2003."

15 nov 2008



Jim Jannard, se ha convertido en el nuevo guru de la cinematografía
Con el impulso logrado por la RED One Jim anuncia el principio de la OBSOLESENCIA ES OBSOLETA con una fantastica colección de "Cerebros" para lograr las imágenes fotograficas y de cine más sorprendentes


2/3″ to Full Frame 35mm chip
Up to 120 frames per second in 3K
Fixed lens to RED, PL, Canon, Nikon Mounts
3K-6K resolution
$2,500)-$12,000 solo el cuerpo
Entrega estimada Otoño 2009

Super 35 up to 617 chip
Up to 100 frames per second in 5K
RED, PL, Canon, Nikon Mounts; Linhof and Alpa mounts for 617
5K-28K resolution
$28,000- $55,000 solo el cuerpo
Primavera 2010

El anuncio muestra la capacidad de liderazgo de Jannard

14 nov 2008

Obsolescence Obsolete... 3k, 5k 6k, 9k 28k Wow Jim Jannard raises the bar in Filmmaking

Jim Jannard, se ha convertido en el nuevo guru de la cinematografía
Con el impulso logrado por la RED One Jim anuncia el principio de la OBSOLESENCIA ES OBSOLETA con una fantastica colección de "Cerebros" para lograr las imágenes fotograficas y de cine más sorprendentes

El anuncio muestra la capacidad de liderazgo de Jannard y nos preguntamos como un emprendedor y un pequeño de tecnologistas visionarios estan dando una batalla increible por la mente y los corazones de miles de cineastas y fotografos, en donde estan los burocratas de Sony, Canon y Panasonic?

Realmente vivimos en tiempos MUY interesantes

8 nov 2008

Renta de Dolly para cine digital

Dolly Universal

El dolly es un equipo necesario para cualquier cineasta que se respeta y que quiere competir con imágenes en movimiento de gran calidad.

En la producción de cinematografia con película y digital el uso de zoom es un NO NO ya que las tomas verdaderamente cinematográficas exigen el uso de dolly.

El equipo de Dolly universal totalmente portátil cuenta con los siguientes elementos

Kit de rieles rectos (3.66 metros) 12 pies en 4 secciones de 3 pies cada una con su maleta portable

Kit de rieles curvos (3.96 metros) 13 pies en 4 secciones de 3 pies cada una ( hacen un segmento de 90 grados con un circulo de (6.09 metros de diámetro) 20ft de diámetro con su maleta portable

El sistema universal de dolly incluye asiento y barra de empuje, funciona con rieles rectos y curvos sin necesidad de agregar accesorios, el equipo se instala sin herramientas en 10 minutos lo que permite filmar con gran eficiencia

Incluye también los tensores de riel y un juego de protectores de final de carrera

  • Renta por día
    $3750 pesos mas IVA

  • Operador Dolly encargado instalador
    $800 pesos mas IVA por día

  • Asistente instalador (no opera el dolly)
    $645 pesos mas IVA por día

  • Transporte y recolección a llamado
    $1000 pesos mas IVA

7 nov 2008

Grabación en vivo de video y televisión con unidad móvil

Producción multicámara de circuito cerrado de televisión en vivo con renta de switcher mezclador de video de efectos especiales

La producción en vivo de televisión y video en circuito cerrado permite la creación de programas económicos ya que la edición se hace en el mismo momento, es ideal para congresos, convenciones, cursos, seminarios, eventos corporativos y sociales, desfiles, fiestas de XV años, Bodas, Pasarelas de modas, conciertos, obras de teatro, producción de pilotos de televisión y eventos escolares en donde se requiere preservar una memoria del evento que no sea aburrida y agregue impacto a la presentación.

20 oct 2008

ARRI Camera Accessories for Handheld HD Cameras

Arri's new MMB-1 Matte Box, MFF-1 Follow Focus and MBP-1 Baseplate are designed specifically for the new generation of lower cost, lightweight HD cameras such as the EX-1 HVX-200 and upcoming EX-3X

1 oct 2008

Google 2001

Remember those days, when the Google logo was, let's accept it, crappy, and when you typed words like MySpace, or Facebook, or Twitter, or YouTube on your browser, and nothing would show up? Or maybe when Wikipedia was still lodged on the Nupedia.com domain.

Yahoo ruled, and Google was the rookie. The world was simpler. HD was still a work in progress, and digital cameras barely reached 3 megapixels, or were VGA-based. Social networking sites were in experimental phase (remember TheMakeOutClub?). Oh, and loading Games and other Flash-based internet applications would consume at least 10 minutes of your time.

Yep, those good days. You can live them again. To celebrate 10 years of existence, Google has launched a special page featuring the Google 2001 index, the oldest one they were able to dig. It even features the crappy logo, and the now-pathetic statement "Search 1,326,920,000 web pages"

Have fun searching for pages that didn't even exist in those days. Then look at the Google Chrome
 and Picasa 2 iconslodged in your Dashboard or quick-access bar, and ask yourself: 
"Damn, has it really been that long???"

30 sept 2008

Como hacer una maestria de negocios MBA por menos de $1500 Dólares

MBA la librería de negocios y productividad más grande y mejor surtida del mundo

Instant Photography a History of Magic with Light and Chemistry

Anyone who's ever worked with film roll to take pictures, and doesn't have his own dark room, knows about the terrible combination of frustration, expectation and fear one has when the roll is sent to a photo-lab to be developed. Some common expressions are:

"Was it a good picture?"
"I should have used a tripod. Do you think I should have used a tripod?"
"Damn you Nascar!! Can't they slow down just for a second???!!"
"I think I left the lens cap on..."
"It might have been overexposed..."

It's all this, mixed with the fact that everyone wants to look at the pictures of little Susan jumping into the pool for the first, that makes the developing process a loooooong one. We're talking about memories and jobs here, people!

You might remember from A (Very) Brief History of Photography, Part 1, about an early photographic development process called the Collodion process. The collodion process had many variations, although it was mainly made on glass. One of this variations was known as tintype, or ferrotype. It involved using a thin metal plate instead of glass, were the exposure would develop. Since the size of normal ferrotypes were rather "small", compared to other types of exposures, the development process was quicker. An experienced operator could finish developing the image in a few minutes. They were cheap to make, and also fast. So, one might call the ferrotype the first "instant" photograph.

True instant photography started back in 1947, when Edwin Herbert Land presented the Polaroid Land Camera to the world.  Named Model 95, it would use the peel-apart instant photography system. 

The exposure would be made on a negative material, which would then automatically be pressed down against a positive material. In between both, there was a small pod containing the developing agent, which would burst when both materials were pressed against each other and passed through two rollers. Original instant photographs would be sepia. In the 50's, this was upgraded to standard B&W, and in 1963, Polaroid released Polacolor, which used a process involving dye diffusion.  After being developed, both halves were peeled apart.

In 1972, the Integral film was introduced. Integral  film is the instant photgraphs everybody knows and loves: a gray image would come out of the camera, and it would gradually develop, right in front of you. Integral film would use a vanishing opacifier (the gray image that appears intially in the exposure, and then disappears, revealing the image) and the same development agent pod, mixed with a gelatin mixture, among other chemicals.

As well as being extremely practical, instant cameras had applications in the arts and experimentation:

In peel-apart exposure, emulsion-transfer and emulsion-lift are the two most popular techniques of modifying the exposure.

Emulsion transfer consisted on peeling the still developing image apart, and then, the negative image is rubbed on another support, while emulsion lift was made by separating the image from the print, and placed on another material, typically, watercolour paper.

In Integral films, one can manipulate the image by simply applying pressure on the still developing image. This way, one can achieve many effects done in Adobe Photoshop with his bare hands.

By rubbing the image, one can achieve a blurry effect, or even a melting effect, like the one in Peter Gabriel's third album

Supreme Instants: The Photography of Edward Weston

How to Make Better Polaroid Instant Pictures.


17 sept 2008

Canon EOS 5D Mark II 21.1 Megapixels Full HD

The Canon 5D MkII has been announced, it is a DSLR camera with a full-frame, 21.1-megapixel sensor, the first to shoot full HD video, and with Digic 4 processor, Canon low-light performance on par with that of Nikon's D3 & D700 an ISO range from 100 to 6400, extendable up to 12,800 and 25,600. Add high speeds and first-in-class video capabilities

•14-bit conversion
•3.9FPS unlimited burst rate with JPEG using UDMA CF card, or 14 RAW (standard CF card is 78 JPEG, 13 RAW
•Four-channel readout that's 2.2x faster than the 5D
•Lens peripheral illumination correction
•15-point auto-focus
•Creative auto mode, also like 50D
•Auto-lighting optimizer
•Three levels of noise reduction that kicks in above ISO800•RAW, sRAW1 (10MP), sRAW2 (5MP)
•Three-inch, 920,000 dot-screen•New and improved battery (incompatible with old one) that delivers 850 shots or 1.5 hours of video•150,000 cycle shutter
•Magnesium alloy body
•NO built-in flash


The Canon EOS 5D Mark II Escalates Full-Frame Digital SLR Photography to the Next Level withHD Movie Recording Capabilities, DIGIC 4 Imaging Processor, and 21.1 Megapixel Resolution

LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., September 17, 2008 – Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging, today introduced the EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR camera, the long-awaited successor to Canon’s highly popular EOS 5D, introduced in 2005.

Building upon the qualities that made the EOS 5D camera so successful, Canon has coupled the creative power of a full-frame CMOS sensor in a relatively compact and affordable camera body, together with groundbreaking HD video capture that opens the door to a much wider range of imaging possibilities for photographers.

Along with the ability to capture full HD video clips at 1920 x 1080 resolution, Canon’s EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR camera features a 21.1-megapixel full frame 24 x 36mm CMOS sensor, DIGIC 4 imaging processor and significantly lower noise, with an expanded sensitivity range from ISO 50 to ISO 25,600.

“The anticipation surrounding the launch of this camera model has exceeded our greatest expectations, and we believe our loyal customers will be awed by the level of innovation and features built into the new EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR. Once they have the chance to experience the camera, we believe they will agree that it was worth the wait,” stated Yuichi Ishizuka, senior vice president and general manager, Consumer Imaging Group, Canon U.S.A.

Among the many advancements in Canon’s new EOS 5D Mark II camera is the Company’s proprietary DIGIC 4 Imaging Processor that powers the camera’s fast 14-bit analog-to-digital conversion for smooth color tones and exceptional gradation. The Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR offers a full-frame 24 x 36mm, 21.1 megapixel CMOS sensor and continuous shooting at 3.9 frames per second (fps) for an unlimited number of full-resolution JPEGs to the capacity of the memory card or up to 14 RAW images in a single burst when using a UDMA CF card.

The camera includes a 15-point Autofocus (AF) sensor with nine selectable AF points plus six additional Assist AF points (three center AF points sensitive to f/2.8 lenses) with enhanced light source detection and AF microadjustment for greater autofocus performance.

The EOS 5D Mark II camera also features a large, clear 3.0-inch Clear View LCD screen with 920,000 dot/VGA resolution, four times the pixel count of the EOS 5D camera’s 2.5-inch screen, for enhanced clarity and color when viewing images.

The new camera is equipped with a high-performance, high-magnification optical viewfinder providing 98 percent coverage, giving a new dimension to the saying, “what you see is what you get.” Professional photographers will also appreciate the enhanced 150,000-cycle shutter durability of the EOS 5D Mark II camera.

Canon, the first company to introduce a full-frame digital camera, has improved the EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR camera’s newly developed full-frame CMOS image sensor.

Utilizing proprietary Canon technology, the Company has reduced noise and expanded the sensitivity of the CMOS sensor up to ISO 25600, which is three full stops higher than the ISO 3200 limit of the original EOS 5D camera.

Although the individual pixel dimensions of the EOS 5D Mark II camera are the same as the 21.1-megapixel CMOS sensor used in the EOS-1Ds Mark III digital SLR, the new sensor incorporates an improved output amplifier and a more advanced color filter that improves light transmission while retaining excellent color reproduction.

By applying the same kind of advancements in sensor design and image processing technology as the recently introduced EOS 50D camera, but at higher resolution and with larger pixels, the EOS 5D Mark II achieves the highest level of image quality of any EOS Digital SLR released to date.

With the combination of its improved CMOS image sensor and the powerful new DIGIC 4 image processor, the Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera provides ISO speeds from ISO 100 up to ISO 6400 in 1/3-stop increments, along with two high-speed settings – H1 and H2 – of ISO 12800 and ISO 25600, respectively, as well as a low-speed setting of ISO 50. The full-frame sensor maximizes the performance of Canon EF lenses, the world’s largest selection of autofocus lenses.

HD and SD Video CaptureCanon has taken its expertise in imaging, photography and video capture technology to a new level with the EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR.

Answering the question of where SLR technology is going next, the EOS 5D Mark II features 16:9 Full HD video capture at 1920 x 1080 pixels and 30 fps as well as 4:3 standard TV quality (SD) video capture at 640 x 480 pixels and 30 fps, both capabilities appearing for the first time in a Canon SLR camera.

Video capture is part of the camera’s Live View function, using the Picture Style that has been set for Live View still image shooting.

This allows skilled photographers and cinematographers to adjust image sharpness, contrast, color saturation and white balance, and have those settings apply to the movie image.

When recording video, the camera’s rear LCD screen can be letter-boxed by a semi-transparent border to match the aspect ratio of the movie recording size. Moreover, the EOS 5D Mark II camera’s HD video capability enables new levels of creative expression through its unfettered access to the complete line of more than 60 Canon EF lenses, which provide an incredible variety of visual effects including everything from ultra-wide-angle and fish-eye to macro and super-telephoto, including many large-aperture L-series professional lenses that can keep the main subject in razor-sharp focus while blurring the background beyond recognition.

The EOS 5D Mark II will record video up to 4GB per clip or a maximum continuous movie capture time of 29 minutes and 59 seconds, whichever comes first.

Depending on the level of detail in the scene, a 4GB memory card can record approximately 12 minutes of video at full HD resolution or approximately 24 minutes in standard definition.[i]camera includes an HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) output to display crisp, clear images on a High-Definition TV. Video clips are recorded in .MOV format using an MPEG-4 video compression and sound is recorded using linear PCM[ii] without compression.

The new camera features an input terminal for external stereo microphones as well as a built-in monaural microphone for convenience. To help show off those fantastic movies as well as still photos, the EOS 5D Mark II

Live View Shooting

For both still images and video, the Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera features Live View, one of the most sought after features in digital SLRs today. The 5D Mark II features three Live View AF modes – Quick, Live and Face Detection Live mode – for capturing either still photos or video, each with its own attributes. Quick mode automatically sets One-Shot AF using the camera’s phase detection AF system. It also allows users to select the AF point, even while the Live View image is displayed. Although the camera’s reflex mirror must be lowered briefly to take an AF measurement in Quick mode, it is the fastest way to set focus automatically when the 5D Mark II camera is set for Live View.

Live mode uses contrast-detection AF with the image sensor and here, as with Quick mode, users can change the AF point using the Multi-controller. Face Detection Live mode uses contrast AF to recognize human faces. When multiple faces are detected, the largest face closest to the center of the frame is targeted as the AF point. While Live View is engaged users can still change settings including the AF mode (Quick, Live, Face Detection Live mode), drive mode, ISO speed, Picture style, White Balance, and more.

Peripheral Illumination CorrectionThe Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR camera automatically conducts peripheral illumination correction when shooting JPEG images, a function that previously could only be accomplished through post-image processing using software such as Canon’s Digital Photo Professional, which Canon supplies at no extra charge. Peripheral illumination correction evens brightness across the image field, making an image of a blue sky even toned throughout and reducing light fall-off at image edges. This new feature essentially eliminates one of the limitations of previous full-frame digital SLRs.

Auto Lighting OptimizerCanon’s enhanced Auto Lighting Optimizer technology helps ensure each picture’s subject is clearly visible by analyzing image brightness and automatically adjusting dark areas in images so that they appear brighter.

This function is ideal in high-contrast situations such as urban landscapes captured on sunny days, where the tops of buildings are brightly lit while street level details are obscured by heavy shadows. In this type of scene, the 5D Mark II camera’s Auto Lighting Optimizer technology preserves accurate exposure of the highlights while opening up the shadow areas for a more pleasing tonal rendition.

Canon’s New Creative Auto ModeRecently introduced with the new EOS 50D, Canon’s “CA” Creative Full Auto setting can also be found on the EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR camera’s mode dial. This setting allows users to make image adjustments such as aperture or shutter speed through an easy-to-understand navigation screen on the camera’s LCD menu, allowing them to “blur the background” or “lighten or darken the image.” These easy-to-understand image options allow photographers to experiment with image options while still shooting in an automatic mode.

Two Small RAW Formats

For photographers seeking the flexibility and creative possibilities of shooting RAW format images, without the large file size, the Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR camera offers two more manageable file size options with sRAW1 and sRAW2 recording formats. At the sRAW1 setting, resolution is 10.0-megapixels with a file size that is approximately 25 percent smaller than a standard 21.1-megapixel RAW image. With the sRAW2 setting, resolution is 5.2 megapixels at less than half the file size of a standard RAW image, retaining all of the flexibility and creative possibilities associated with full-size, conventional RAW images. Wedding and portrait photographers, in particular, will appreciate the options of variable resolution and file size which allow them to fine-tune the 5D Mark II’s operation for their specific needs.

Silent Shooting in Live ViewCanon has equipped the EOS 5D Mark II with two Silent Shooting modes in Live View which will prove particularly helpful to law enforcement officials, and for behind-the-scenes shooting on movie sets. In Mode 1, the camera will shoot with the mechanical shutter open at the beginning of the exposure, using the electronic 1st-curtain function of the CMOS sensor and a reduced shutter-cocking noise, allowing multiple shots to be taken with minimal noise. In Mode 2, to minimize shutter noise during single frame photography, shutter cocking does not occur until the shutter button returns to the half-way position after shooting.

EOS Integrated Cleaning SystemWith the introduction of the EOS 5D Mark II camera, the entire Canon EOS system is now equipped with the highly acclaimed EOS Integrated Cleaning System. The Self-Cleaning Sensor Unit for the Canon EOS 5D Mark II has been upgraded with a fluorine coating on the low-pass filter for better dust resistance.

Pricing and Availability

The Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR camera is compatible with Canon EF lenses and is scheduled for delivery by the end of November. The EOS 5D Mark II will be sold in a body-only configuration at an estimated retail price of $2,699[iii].

It will additionally be offered in a kit version with Canon’s EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM zoom lens at an estimated retail price of $3,499[iv].

New EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM LensThe new EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM lens is the successor to Canon’s EF 24mm f/1.4L USM professional wide-angle lens released in 1997.

Targeting professional photographers, the new EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM lens has been introduced to address the advancements high-resolution digital SLR cameras with re-designed optics and use of a new anti-reflection lens coating called SWC (Sub-Wavelength Structure Coating) to minimize ghosting and flare. Features such as dustproof and waterproof construction that have been adopted make this a high-performance lens with specifications that respond to the demands of professional users.

A welcome complement to the EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR camera, the EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM lens is scheduled to be in stores this December at an estimated retail price of $1,699[v].

11 sept 2008

New Sony Alpha 900 Full Frame 24.6 Megapixels

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 9, 2008 — Sony is introducing its full-frame α (alpha) DSLR-A900 camera, aimed at serious photo enthusiasts looking for traditional SLR performance with the added benefits of digital photography.
It is designed to deliver ultra-fine picture quality with the world’s highest resolution, 24.6-megapixel, 35 mm full-frame CMOS sensor and fast image processing with a new dual BIONZ® processing engines. The camera is also the first to have a body-integrated image stabilization system for a full-frame sensor with Sony’s SteadyShot® Inside anti-shake system.
One look at the camera’s distinctive pentaprism and nostalgic body design will evoke its full-frame optical performance. It features a bright, clear optical viewfinder with 100% field of view coverage that would impress even film photography loyalists.
“The α (alpha) DSLR-A900 introduction solidifies Sony’s position as a leading camera manufacturer that can meet the demands of serious enthusiasts,” said Phil Lubell, director of digital camera marketing at Sony Electronics. “It represents the best in sensor and image processing technologies and offers enhanced functions, performance and reliability so photographers can push their creativity to the limit.”
Ultra-Fine Images As The Human Eye Perceives Them
The camera’s Exmor™ CMOS sensor delivers the photographic expressive power of wide angles and perspective that only a 35 mm full-frame sensor can offer, and is designed to take advantage of the resolving power of high-precision α (alpha) lenses. Its high pixel count and large size provide enhanced image detail and a wider dynamic range for natural color reproduction and subtle tonal gradations.
The sensor is produced using proprietary Sony planarization technologies to ensure an ultra-flat surface across the entire imaging area. Instead of a single analog/digital convertor, the sensor uses over 6,000 on-chip, column-parallel A/D converters to convert analog signals to noise-resistant digital signals at the earliest possible stage. The result is reduced noise and high-speed transfer of data.
Image processing gets a boost in speed and power from the application of two BIONZ image processing engines. Large amounts of data captured by the 24.6-megapixel sensor can be quickly processed to achieve a fast shooting response. Additionally, this dual BIONZ processing system applies advanced noise reduction algorithms producing images of exceptional quality and detail, especially at high ISO sensitivities.
World’s First Anti-Shake System for a Full-Frame Sensor
The camera’s newly-developed, body-integrated SteadyShot Inside unit achieves an anti-shake effect equivalent to shutter speeds faster by 2.5 to 4 stops. This new unit provides stabilization for Sony, Minolta and Konica-Minolta wide angle, large-aperture lenses, which is difficult for lens-integrated systems.
State-of-the Art Optical Performance and Responsiveness
The ultra-bright viewfinder with 100% field of view coverage and 0.74x magnification enables accurate framing and preview. It features a high-power condenser lens, an eyepiece with high reflective-index glass, and a multi-layer, anti-reflective coating on every optical surface to deliver its extraordinarily bright and accurate view.
Additionally, the focusing screen is user-replaceable, with additional L-type (grid pattern) and M-type (super spherical acute matte) screens sold separately.
The camera’s newly-developed autofocus system consists of nine wide-area sensors with 10 assist points for improved tracking of moving subjects. A center dual cross sensor comprised of two horizontal and two vertical line sensors as well as a dedicated f/2.8 sensor are included to achieve greater precision, especially when using fast-aperture lenses.
It also offers high-speed continuous shooting of 24.6 megapixel images at five frames per second. A newly-designed mirror box features a unique parallel-link mirror mechanism that moves on two horizontal axes to accommodate both 100% viewfinder coverage and the body-integrated image stabilization system without increasing the camera’s size. The mirror box also has a new moving magnet actuator, a high-powered coreless motor for a faster shutter charge, and a magnet catcher to minimize mirror bounce and light refraction within the box.
Versatility to Unleash Creative Possibilities
The model’s innovative intelligent preview function takes the guesswork out of setting up a shot and the hassle of taking multiple shots to achieve a desired effect.
After pressing the depth of field preview button, the camera “grabs” a RAW preview image which is processed and displayed on the LCD screen. You can then fine tune white balance, determine the best level and effect of dynamic range optimization, adjust exposure compensation and check histogram data, all before you actually take the picture. Preview images are not recorded on the camera’s memory card, thus saving capacity.
Other key features aimed to expand creative options include the Dynamic Range Optimizer (DRO) with five levels of user-selectable correction as well as DRO bracketing for enhanced scene analysis and graduation optimization. EV bracketing with ±2EV range makes it easy to create high dynamic range composite images.
Thirteen creative styles can be selected to enhance images and then fine-tuned by customizing contrast, sharpness, zone matching and other parameters, while 3 user-programmable memories provide instant access to as many as 26 different mode settings.
Powerful RAW file processing control is put in the photographer’s hands with the included Image Data Converter SR3 software that delivers faster file processing speeds, easy adjustment of image parameters, Dynamic Range Optimization and a new Peripheral Illumination function that compensates for corner light fall off.
With the camera’s HDMI output and Photo TV HD mode, your creative output can be enjoyed on a compatible HD television. This mode brings the look of actual printed photography to the television, by fine-tuning such image parameters as sharpness, gradation and color.
Comfort in Your Hands
Its construction features rugged, lightweight magnesium alloy with moisture-resistant, rubber seals for buttons and dials, an anti-static coating to prevent dust adherence to the imager, and a high-endurance shutter rated for more than 100,000 release cycles.
It has a 3-inch, Xtra Fine LCD screen (921K) makes it possible to check focus and image quality with accuracy. It incorporates an easy-to-see display with a quick navigation menu to easily access common functions without interrupting your creative flow. A backlit LCD panel sits on top of the camera and displays key settings.
System Expansion with New Accessories
The A900 camera will be accompanied with an array of accessories like the recently-announced Sony HVL-F58AM flash unit with its innovative Quick Shift Bounce system, powerful performance with a guide number of 58, and wireless auto flash ratio control.
The Sony® VG-C90AM vertical grip offers the same ease of operation when shooting vertically as horizontally, with its button layout and low-position shutter-release button. It also houses two InfoLITHIUM® batteries (sold separately) for longer shooting and playback.
The DSLR-A900 body will be available in November for about $3,000 along with related accessories. All will be available at authorized dealers, at military base exchanges, Sony Style retail stores (www.sonystyle.com/retail) and at sonystyle.com. Online pre-orders begin online on Sept. 10.

Editor's Notes:
Camera performance is measured using Camera Imaging Product Association (CIPA) standards. The viewable area of LCD displays is measured diagonally. The camera requires a Sony HD component cable or Sony HD Cyber-shot? cradle for viewing on an HDTV set (both sold separately). Available storage capacity of Memory Stick Duo? and CompactFlash? media may vary. A portion of the memory is used for data management functions. For additional information about Sony products, your readers can call toll-free (888) 222-SONY or visit Sony's web site at: http://news.sel.sony.com/en/press_room/consumer/digital_imaging/digital_cameras/dslr/release/37187.html?www.sonystyle.com?. Press releases and digital images are available for the news media at the Sony Electronics news and information web site at: www.sony.com/news.

New Digital Motion Picture Camera Ikonoskop

Wave to the camera Ikonoskop: "'High Definition RAW Format Motion Picture Camera'.
A-cam dII is brought to you by Ikonoskop, the innovators behind the A-cam SP-16. With a proven track record as one of the world's most innovative and experimental design-driven camera manufacturers.
Ikonoskop is run by filmmakers and all products have emerged out of a personal need for new tools of expression."

10 sept 2008

New HD HDV HDR-FX1000 HVR-Z5U cameras from Sony

One New Camera Brings Cinematic Film-Look for Amateur Videographers and Another Offers Advanced Production Capabilities for Directors of
SAN DIEGO, Sept. 10, 2008 – Sony is expanding its industry leading line-up of high-definition video products with two new HDV™ cameras designed to meet the needs of professionals and prosumers.
With the HDR-FX1000 Handycam® camcorder, more adept consumer videographers gain access to cinematic features, including 24P scanning and advanced color settings for around $3,200. With the HVR-Z5U camcorder, professionals will appreciate its native 24P recording and other professional features—all for less than $5,000—as well as tapeless recording capability through an optional CompactFlash™ adapter.
“The HDR-FX1000 is appealing to the amateur videographer shooting weddings or the aspiring cinematographer,” said Kelly Davis, director of camcorder marketing at Sony Electronics. “The combination of film-like movie quality and advanced color settings makes it possible for prosumers to achieve the deep cinematic look they crave at a reasonable price.”

The HVR-Z5U camcorder offers a “step-up” solution for professionals who desire a more advanced set of features.
“Professionals need features like balanced audio, XLR inputs, timecode and more,” said Bob Ott, vice president of professional audio and video products at Sony Electronics. “They also need access to technical resources to help them with issues like integrating with non-linear editing systems. This is where a professional solution like the HVR-Z5U is an appropriate choice.”
Enhanced Image Capture
Both models use three of Sony’s ClearVid™ 1/3-inch CMOS sensor chips, which are designed to provide high sensitivity, deep resolution, high-speed reading, low noise and a wider dynamic range. The CMOS sensors capture full HD 1920 x 1080 resolution, resulting in better picture quality when recorded onto miniDV tape in the HDV format (1440 pixels x 1080 lines). Each of the three sensors is dedicated to one color—red, blue and green—for natural, more accurate color reproduction.
With a 45-degree rotated pixel layout, the ClearVid CMOS sensor system offers outstanding pixel surface area while maintaining high resolution. The Exmor™ technology features a unique column-parallel analog-to-digital conversion technique and dual noise canceling, resulting in digital signals with extremely low noise. The technologies combine to allow the new camcorders to perform significantly better in low-light environments with sensitivity of 1.5 lux.
Both cameras use Sony’s XtraFine LCD™ (3.2-inch, 921,000 dots) and XtraFine electronic viewfinder (0.45-inch, 1,227,000 dots) for high-resolution and high-contrast images with remarkable color reproduction.
Ideal For Aspiring Cinematographers
The HDR-FX1000 is Sony’s first Handycam camcorder to feature progressive scan at 1080/24p and 30p, giving video productions a film-like look. Using a two to three pull down, the 24P scanned image is converted to 60i for easy editing with user’s existing software applications. CinemaTone Gamma™ and CinemaTone Color™ settings complement the 24P capabilities to create a rich dreamlike picture processing while three built-in neural density filters provide exceptional light control even in extremely bright environments.
Equipped with a refined level of optical performance, the HDR-FX1000 and the HVR-Z5U models are the first camcorders to have a Sony G lens with a 29.5mm wide-end viewing angle, extra-low dispersion glass and 20x optical zoom. The fixed lens is optimized to perfectly complement the cameras’ advanced image sensor and image-processing technology.
The HDR-FX1000 model enables prosumers to define their own manual settings for iris, gain, white balance, shutter speed and focus for increased creativity and control. Use of any of the three manual rings for adjustments to zoom, focus and iris provides even more flexibility.
Professional Video Production
The HVR-Z5U camcorder offers the addition of several features specifically designed for professional video production, such as progressive scan shooting at 1080/24P and 30P, DVCAM™ recording, timecode support and two XLR balanced audio inputs.
Professionals can record the native 24P/30P signal on to the videotape used in the camcorder or to CompactFlash cards – simultaneously or separately – with the optional HVR-MRC1K recording unit. This unit attaches directly to the back of the camcorder, eliminates the need for cables and automatically synchronizes with the recording action of the camcorder.
The recording unit can be directly attached to the new HVR-Z5U camera, as well as to Sony’s HVR-Z7U and HVR-S270U models. It will also work with other HDV camcorders using a supplied iLINK® (IEEE-1394) cable and shoe adapter.
The camcorder, and the HVR-MRC1K adapter will be compatible with Sony’s Professional 306x CompactFlash card. The recording times on an 8 and 16 GB CompactFlash card in HDV, DVCAM and DV format are approximately 36 and 72 minutes, respectively.
The HDR-FX1000 camcorder will be available in early November at authorized dealers nationwide, Sony Style® retail stores and online through www.sonystyle.com.
The HVR-Z5U professional camera is expected to be available in December for a suggested list price of $4950. The HVR-MRC1K recording unit should be out in October for a suggested list price of $940.

6 sept 2008

What is Plasma?

If you ask a doctor, he might tell you that plasma is the liquid from the blood, lymph, or muscles, in which cells are found.

If you ask a physicist, he'll define plasma as an ionized gas, a gas that has 1 or more free electrons, which makes it a conductive agent and it responds to electromagnetic fields. Not only that, but he'll tell you that plasma is a distinct phase of matter, apart from solid, liquid, and gas.

All stars (our beloved Cancunean Sun included) are made of plasma, and the space between those stars is filled with plasma. 

Plasmas are divided into the following

  1. Artificial Plasma: The one found in your beloved HDTV set, the plasma ball you loved to look at back in the 80's, the pinky/bluey/purpley glow coming out from neon signs, and rocket exhausts.
  2. Terrestrial Plasma: Lightning and aurora borealis are the most common examples of terrestrial plasma
  3. Astrophysical Plama: Stars, solar winds, and nebulae.

5 sept 2008

iPod nano 4G leaked

One can't really trust in leaks in big corps about their new technologies, mainly because, well, they're leaks. They might as well come from a false pipeline. But, from all the information that's been leaked about the iPod Nano 4G, we can reach a conclusion: The Nano 4G looks like this 

Capacitacion y Entrenamiento con Reforzamiento Positivo l uso de la tecnologia audiovisual en el entrenamiento

El enfoque SIGNAL para la capacitación y motivación corporativa
¿Que es una cultura corporativa positiva?
Es aquella que tiene claramente definidos sus valores y su filosofía de un modo positivo y que se nutre y refuerza de seis maneras distintas:


Todos estos conceptos, interactuan a través de los valores de la empresa.

¿Que son los valores y como se expresan?

Los valores son el fundamento de la cultura, son los conceptos y las creencias básicas, se expresan y manifiestan a través de:
Capacitacion y Entrenamiento con Reforzamiento Positivo

El uso de la tecnologia audiovisual en el entrenamiento:

"Consigue mayor productividad y motivación sin gastos adicionales de administración
YO LO HAGO BIEN mr © es el programa eficiente y efectivo para incrementar la productividad y la creación de una cultura de éxito en tu empresa.
Esta dirigido a empresas de 100 a 10,000 trabajadores, incluye diagnóstico, estrategia y capacitación en video, DVD y multimedia
Nuestro programa y sistema de capacitación y entrenamiento de Signal, se fundamenta en conceptos científicos y experiencias reales y aplica las técnicas más avanzadas de motivación y comunicación audiovisual en beneficio de nuestros clientes, contribuyendo a disminuir sus costos de operación para aumentar sus utilidades.
Nuestro equipo de consultores, dirigido por el Ing. José María Noriega C.A.S. está formado por profesionistas comprometidos, con amplia experiencia técnica y organizacional, con orientación al mercado y servicio al cliente, cuyo propósito es participar y contribuir con sus empresas-cliente en el diseño e implementación de soluciones acordes a su cultura organizacional en las áreas de Direccionamiento Estratégico, Competitividad, Procesos Humanos y Cambio Planeado a fin de incrementar sus niveles de efectividad y alcanzar sus objetivos propuestos."

La NUEVA Cámara de Sony HVR-Z7 de 3 Sensores Exmor CMOS y Lente profesional intercambiable

La NUEVA Cámara de Sony HVR-Z7 de 3 Sensores Exmor CMOS y Lente profesional intercambiable

4 sept 2008

What are Vectors Graphics?

In physics, Vectors are defined as a concept, characterized by a magnitude (or quantity) and a direction. In simple terms, an arrow, with a starting point and a finishing point (A->B)

But for design and media geeks, a vector is the name given to Object-Oriented Graphics. OOGs use points, lines, curves, and shapes, all made by computer calculations that represent images. OOGs are the opposite of raster graphics, which are made by groups of pixels.

The use of vectors, being equations, makes it easy for them to be easily modified. Since the image is not composed by even smaller images, one can twist it, color it, stretch it, change it's shape. Basically, what someone does with standard drawing software, is change variables, like length, direction, width and color. Thus, the traditional concept of what a vector is, is still applied to OOGs.

3 sept 2008

TiVo HD XL DVR: 150 hours of HD recording, $599.99, available now

Aw, snap. Not even 24 hours after we learned that a new DirecTV HD TiVo was on the way, in flies word from Denver that a new standalone TiVo is hitting even sooner -- like, today. The TiVo HD XL will become the flagship unit in TiVo's line by offering up 150 hours of high-def recording space, THX certification, a Series3 premium backlit remote and a bundled HDMI cable. As with the TiVo HD, this one boasts dual tuners for recording two HD programs simultaneously and a pretty similar design, but unlike the TiVo HD, this one will set you back a full $599.99. Those unaffected by the price tag can order one today from TiVo's website, and we're told to expect the box at various other retailers "as early as next week." 

2 sept 2008

First Look: Google Chrome

Well, today, Google launched its highly anticipated web browser, Chrome. Many people, and among those many, I'm included, have expected this browser to appear for at least, let's say 3 years. When YouTube

I'll be writing this as the experience unfolds itself. That way, you may share my excitement (or not) and I won't be sleeping soo late tonight (although, may I add, it'll still be kind of late).

Let's get to work:

21:51- After working on some vectors, I decide to take a break, and check out Google's new web browser. I'm using ye olde faithful Windows Internet Explorer. I search for Google Chrome on my Google search engine, and single-click on the first link, that directs me to the download page for Google Chrome. Looks just like every other Google page: minimalist, kind of cheap-but-reliable looking. I'd have expected something more kitsch or festive, being something so expected by lots of Google onlookers around the world. But then again, it's nice to see people in Google aren't sellouts...

21:59- The download window opens as it would on any other page. Run *Click* and the files start to download from Google's cloud server (or wherever the original setup files are stored). 5 minutes go by. Run *click again*. A small window appears on my screen: Google Chrome Installer. It displays a small message: Downloading Google chrome. I thought I had already downloaded it, or at least the files....

22:47- The Google Chrome Installer window has gone. It was here for a full 48 minutes, and then it was gone. I miss it already....

But now, there's a new, pretty snazzy-looking window. It reads: Welcome to Google Chrome. It says it will import markers, passwords, and MS Internet Explorer configurations, as well as adding some shortcuts. I press on the "Run Google Chrome" button. I liked the fact it imports all my settings from other browsers. This'll makes it easier for me to choose which one I like best, without having to change or re-enter all my previous settings.

Google Chrome's a sparse, neat-looking application . That, although shallow, scores some points with me. If a browser cares for its appearance, it means it must have either a real good programming code, or a really bad programming code.

The tabs are on top of everything, instead of being beneath the browser tab , as in Firefox, Safari and IE. By the looks of it, Chrome lacks F11 full-screen view. I search for my favorite webcomic, Questionable Content (www.questionablecontent.net). The browser takes a mere 4 seconds in showing my webcomic. YouTube was opened in 2 seconds, and deviantART in 6 seconds.

Minimalism is palpable with this browser. When looking at the options menu, you have only 3 settings tabs: Basic Settings, Specific Settings, and Advanced Settings. And the windows IE 7 look is also here!!! There's no toolbar. Instead, you have a nice pop-up menu with all the tools and submenus needed.

Observations: Although I like the whole sparseness and minimalistic style, truth is, the application lacks so many buttons present in other applications, it's kind of disorienting.

Overall: The application is fast, no doubt about it. I'd say, Firefox 2X. As I've stated before, the lack of buttons, although adds space to the window, makes the user interface more difficult. The active search in the browser bar is excellent, and the fact one can select which search engine to use talks marvels about Google. Nonetheless, it is still a Beta version... B-

1 sept 2008

History of the Electric Guitar (Part 1)

Once again, I'll assume you live in this planet and in this timeline. I'll also assume you've heard to anyone of these:
Les Paul
Chuck Berry
B.B King
Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin
John Mayer
Joe Trohman of Fall Out Boy

Then you've definitely heard an electric guitar, and even if you've never heard any of these bands and musicians in your life, you've almost certainly heard an electric guitar nonetheless. It's present in your neighbor's garage, in the music shop downtown, and in videos on MTV. The electric guitar has been part of our daily lives for around 50 years.

To understand the history of the electric guitar, one most understand the "pickups"

Pickups are basically transducers, devices that convert one type of energy into another type of energy. Microphones and Speakers are transducers (in fact, they are the opposite of each other: one turns sonic energy into electric energy, and the other turns electric energy into audible sound).

Pickups consist of magnets wrapped in copper wire. When the magnetic strings of a certain electric instrument vibrate, they modulate the magnetic flux of the coil, creating an alternating voltage in the wire's coil. This signal is then amplified or recorded through a cable.

The first commercially succesful electric guitar was the Rickenbacker "Frying Pan", an electric Hawaiian, played as a lap-guitar. Les Paul began working with "The Log", and his guitar was introduced by Gibson in 1952. Leo Fender introduced his solid body guitar in 1950. Solid bodies have more sustain than hollow bodies, and had less feedback problems.

31 ago 2008

Harnessing the Sun

In the ancient Egyptian city of Cocodrilopolis, lived the Petsuchi, crocodiles adored as gods, adored with jewelry and goldware. They were called the "Sons of Sobek", Sobek being the Crocodile god of the Egyptians. In the video game Age of Mythology, Petsuchi are gigantic crocs that use a burning glass to obliterate armies.

The burning glass is a large (in some cases very large) convex lens used to concentrate the light of the sun in a very small area, thus heating this area, and eventually, burning it (think of a child with a magnifying glass).

The burning glass technology has been known since antiquity. You may remember from an earlier post, i wrote about the Nimrud lens, the oldest known lens, a piece of rock crystal that may have been used as a burning glass.

The most well known use of a burning glass comes from the legend that Archimedes, the greek philosopher, designed and created a gigantic burning glass during the siege of Syracuse. Some people dissent form this belief, saying that it wasn't a burning glass, but a series of mirrors.

One present use of Burning glasses are the solar furnaces used in smart homes and at certain isolated populations of Andine Peru. This use a set of mirrors placed parabolically to concentrate the sun's light on an object, sometime passing through a lens to further condensate the beams.

29 ago 2008

How Lenses work (part 1)

Whenever you see through your SLR's viewfinder, or on your digital point-and-shoot's LCD screen, you are using one of humanity's oldest inventions: the lens.

This last week, we've been very busy, focusing on photography and it's history, as well as the functioning of a typical SLR. We're now closing with the unknown basics of photography: how lenses work.

A lens is an optical device that transmits, refracts, and concentrates light, as well as having axial simmetry, that is, it is symmetric around an axis, so if you were to rotate the object based on that axis, the appearance and form of the object would result unchanged. Lenses are divided into two categories: Simple lenses and Compound Lenses.

A simple lens is formed by a single optical element, while a complex lens is formed by many different optical elements put together.

The oldest lens in the world, the Nimrud lens, is over three thousand years old, and comes from Iraq (formerly Persia, formerly Assyria). It was simply a piece of rock crystal which may have been used as a magnifying glass, or as a burning lens.

Lenses are regularly a portion of a sphere, with surfaces being convex, concave or planar.

When a lens has two convex surfaces, it is called a biconvex lens. A surface with a planar and a convex surface is named plano-convex. A lens with two concave surfaces is called biconcave, and a lens with a concave and a planar surface is called a plano-concave lens. There's also meniscus lens, which feature a convex and a concave surface.

Convex type lenses focus the light in a spot. Concave type lenses diverge light around an area. Meniscus lenses can be either positive or negative, depending on the thickness of the lens, and the difference of curvature between both lenses.

28 ago 2008

NASA vs Hackers

It appears NASA needs another anti-virus software.

Kelly Humphrey, spokeswoman for NASA stated that a virus was detected in the laptops used by astronauts in the International Space Station. The virus did not affect normal operations. The virus was described as a Keylogger worm, that searches for information (passwords, account numbers, personal information) to hackers and crackers across the internet. The virus was unable to do any harm, because the laptop computers aboard the ISS are not connected to the internet or Mission Control in Texas.

Caballos finos de pura raza española

El Batán es la única reminiscencia que se conserva de lo que fue el Obraje de Texcoco, propiedad de Don Antonio de Mendoza, Primer Virrey de la Nueva España.
Hay que recordar que los Obrajes fueron los primeros talleres para la fabricación de telas para la confección de la ropa del personal que llegó de España y en especial de los frailes y del ejército español y en menor proporción para la hechura de la ropa de los esclavos de los mismo obrajes.
El Batán surge como lugar donde se bateaban las telas de lana, fabricadas en Texcoco, propiedad de Don Antonio de Mendoza, quien fue el Primer Virrey de la Nueva España en los años de 1526 a 1545.
La operación de batear las telas se hacía con el propósito de estirarlas y evitar que se hicieran bolas. Para tal operación las telas se sujetaban a un bastidor, se mojaban y se golpeaban con una tabla a manera de bate, de donde procede el vocablo de batán.

En la Actualidad El Batán, se dedica a la cría y reproducción de caballos Pura Raza Española, engorda de ganado bovino y a la producción de forrajes como Maíz, Avena y Alfalfa.

Taller de creación de proyectos de cine

Del guión a la carpeta
Presentación de proyectos cinematográficos

Taller impartido por CARLOS TAIBO

El gremio del Sindicato de Directores Cinematográficos de México y la Cine-Fábrica de Redes* se complacen en invitar a estudiantes y profesionales del medio a inscribirse en el taller de creación de carpeta cinematográfica que se llevará a cabo en las instalaciones de la Sección de Directores, del lunes 22 al viernes 26 de septiembre de 2008. La fecha límite para la entrega de requisitos y el trámite de inscripción es el miércoles 17 de septiembre a las 13:00 hrs.

Taller intensivo en 25 horas, de lunes a viernes, de 16:00 a 21:00 hrs. Costo total: $3,300.00

Dirigido a gerentes de producción, realizadores forzados a producir sus expresiones artísticas, productores noveles y experimentados que todavía no se adaptan a las nuevas condiciones de producción, estudiantes de cine o egresados de la carrera de comunicación con aspiraciones de convertirse en profesionales de la producción cinematográfica.
Requisitos Formato de inscripción, currículo completo y actualizado, conocimientos cinematográficos en cualquier escuela de cine o en la práctica, experiencia en la producción de corto o largometraje, televisión o video, conocimientos básicos de Excel y Word, preparatoria terminada y cubrir el costo del taller.

Dé clic en la imagen para obtener más información

*Cine-Fábrica de Redes, con un gran catálogo de cursos, es una empresa innovadora que surge con el fin de especializar a profesionales y técnicos del medio audiovisual.

De acuerdo a las necesidades actuales de la producción se han diseñado talleres, cursos, asesorías especializadas y personalizadas impartidas por expertos del medio, otorgando herramientas suficientes y reales para dar un buen apoyo a cualquier proceso de la producción, haciendo énfasis en la formación, la presentación, el desarrollo, el presupuesto y las ventas.

Directores Cinematográficos
Félix Parra 130,
col. San José Insurgentes,
delegación Benito Juárez,
México, D.F. 03900.

Para mayor información e inscripciones:
56 60 43 27
56 51 96 33
56 51 90 47
56 51 96 11 (fax)
Horario de oficina:
de lunes a viernes
de 10:30 a 14:00 horas.

Atención personalizada:
Lic. Dinorah Patiño
cel. 044 55 31 97 61 25

27 ago 2008

How an SLR works (Part 2)

Many people cite SLRs as bulky, noisy and complicated. The latter is not true, at least for anyone who reads the manual enclosed with the camera. The second point might just be true: SLRs are noisy. In fact, I rejoice in the noisiness older cameras. This post is all about the noisiness of SLRs, and why we love it!

You now know about the mirror found between the film and the lens. But I didn't tell you about the focal plane shutter. The FPS is a photographic shutter that stops light from making contact with the focal plane (film or sensor) of the camera.

Almost all SLRs feature horizontal double-curtain shutters. In slow shutter speeds, the opening curtain moves to the left, and after the necessary amount of time has passed, the second curtain (which has remained static) moves to the left side, thus, closing the focal plane again. When the shutter is recocked, both curtains move back to their starting positions, ready to be released again.

In faster shutter speeds, the second curtain starts to close before the first curtain has fully opened. This creates a slit between both curtains through which light passes. As the speed of the shutter rises, the size of the slit becomes narrower and narrower, which allows some cameras to reach shutter speeds of up to 1/8000 of a second.

The Double-Leaf shutter consists in 2 blades that are usually between or behind the lens. This system is used in the Kodak Retina Reflex series of cameras. This type of shutter synchronized with flash at most shutter speeds, and it became the favourite of studio photographers.

All this brings us back to out first point: noisiness. The SLR has to do at least 6 things when the shutter is released: first, the mirror rises, shortly afterwards, the first curtain opens the shutter, and then the second curtain closes the shutter. All this motor moving and closing and opening rattle is what makes an SLR take neat exposures.

26 ago 2008


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A (Very) Brief History of Photography (Part 4)


The above is binary code. If you were a computer, you'd find out the number spells out the word "Photography". That's what this post is all about: digital photography. Assuming that you live in this hi-tech world, in which we use the internet and read Multimedia blogs on Google-owned Blogger.com, then you must know what the definition of digital photography is. Nonetheless, I'll tell you that Digital Photography is a method of photography which uses numerous electronic devices to record and store an image in the form of binary data.

The story of digital photography can be traced all the way back to the first scanners, to the late 1950's. In 1957, a team, working for US National Bureau of Standards and led by Russell Kirsch, developed the first Drum Scanner. Drum Scanners use a PMT (photomultiplier tube), a vacuum tube that captures light, transforms it into electrical energy, and then amplifies it.

Then, in 1969, the Charge-Coupled Device (also known as CCD) was invented by Willard Boyle and George Smith. A CCD is a shift register, a device that transports analog signals in the form of electric charges through various capacitators. In a broad sense, a CCD is not an image sensor, but the way the sensor's information is transformed into digital information. CCD's first planned use was as a form of memory storage device in computers. However, shortly after it was invented, it was learned that CCD's could receive charge via the photoelectric effect.

In 1981, the Sony Corporation introduced the Mavica, a still camera which featured two-CCD's, and stored the images in a two-inch floppy disk. One of the CCD's captured light information, while the other captured chromatic information.

In 1986, Kodak scientists invented the world's first megapixel sensor, capable of recording 1.4 million pixels that could produce a 5x7-inch digital photo-quality print. In 1987, Kodak released seven products for recording, storing, manipulating, transmitting and printing electronic still video images.

25 ago 2008

Congreso AMAI de Investigacion de Mercados MEXICO

La investigación de mercados contemporánea es un cruce de caminos que va desde la estadística y el psicoanálisis hasta la neurociencia, la etnografía y la semiótica. El propósito es poder entender mejor, holísticamente, a las personas cuando actúan como consumidores. Sabemos que detrás de cualquier conducta de mercado hay un complejo de juicios y sentimientos que la desencadenan. Hemos dedicado nuestro XV Congreso Anual a revisar hallazgos, hipótesis y evidencias sobre la forma en que podemos entender y diagnosticar el mecanismo racional y emocional que hace que un consumidor aspire, perciba, compre.

How an SLR works (Part 1)

Photography has a pleasant je ne sais quoi to it, a way of transmitting feelings in a way other art forms- cinema, painting, poetry, dancing, and etc- fail to transmit. Maybe it’s the fact that, to see a photograph, one does not need to have certain specific traits, like a vast vocabulary or having a massive visual sensibility to understand what exactly does Edvard Munch’s The Scream tries to tell us. Maybe it’s the fact that, it has a way of freezing time cinema or video can’t offer.

In my previous posts, I’ve written about the historical development of photography, all the way back to Ibn Al-Hazen's Camara Obscura, and to more recent times, stopping at the huge development Japanese Optics Corporations had in the 1950's. I'm gonna take a break from the whole history lesson for now, and we'll start on engineering and physics, as to fully understand the way a Single-Lens reflex camera works.

A Single-Lens Reflex camera allows the user to see, throught the viewfinder, the way the picture is to be taken. A mirror is set between the sensitive surface (sensor or film) and the lenses. The mirror is placed at a 45° angle, which makes the light beams, waves, or particles (whichever way you want to see it) travel upward, and hit a focusing screen. The image is proyected on the focusing screen. A roof pentaprism reflects the proyected image 3 times: The first reflection corrects vertical orientation, the second one the horizontal orientation of the image, and the third one reflects the image the way it is seen through the viewfinder. Generally, to add brightness to the image in the viewfinder, there is a condensing lens found between the focusing screen and the pentaprism.

Since the faces in a pentaprism cannot ensure Total Internal Reflection, given the entry angle of light, both reflective surfaces of the pentaprism have to be coated or overlapped with a reflective material.

In early SLRs, the mirror had to be lifted manually before a picture was taken. This made the SLR unpractical and useless for certain photographics tasks. When automatic mirror-rising was introduced, a new problem was born: the vibration caused by the mirror-lifting caused motion blur. Then, in 1959, the Nikon F introduced mirror lockup. Mirror Lock Up allows the mirror to be raised before the Shutter is opened. The vibration dies down , and no motion blur appears on the exposure.