16 sept 2010

#Videos Canal del #Bicentenario de #Mexico The Bicentennial Mexico Channel #MexicoLider #Video

The Bicentennial Mexican Channel

Independence - 1. Francisco Primo de Verdad

Independence - 2. The Conspiracies

Independence - 3. Miguel Hidalgo

Independence - 4. Ignacio Allende

Independence - 5. The cry for Independence

Independence - 6. The taking of the Alhondiga

Independence - 7. The aftermath of the battle at Monte de la Cruces

Independence - 8. Hidalgo in Guadalajara

Independence - 9. Defeat at Calderon bridge

Independence - 10. The decline

Independence - 11. José María Morelos

Independence - 12. Morelos Strategist

Independence - 13. Ignacio Rayón

Independence - 14. The Supreme National American Junta

Independence - 15. The taking of Cuautla

Independence - 16. The storming of Oaxaca

Independence - 18. Sentiments of the Nation

Independence - 22. Vicente Guerrero and Guadalupe Victoria

Independence - 24. Independence is achieved

Independence - 25. The Monument to Independence

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© Jose Maria Noriega Fernandez

Mexico's Great Pyramids

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