14 sept 2006

Your Biography Family life in Video DVD or TV

Your Biography: "Video Biographies: You can star in the story of your life!

Mexico City, Mexico,
'I think everybody has a story worth telling,' says Jose Maria Noriega a local television producer. 'So I have made it my job to film a person telling the stories of their life.'

Since most people feel the overwhelming desire to leave a legacy, Noriega has set up a business that records these legacies on video. Instead of taking on the task of writing an autobiography, Noriega makes it a lot easier by simply interviewing people in their own homes.

Once Noriega has his lights, camcorder and microphones set up in a clients living room, he starts his interview. 'I have about 300 questions that help people remember their past,' comments Noriega. For example in the 'Teen Years' section of his interview he asks questions like: 'Who taught you how to drive a car? Tell me about your first car. Were you involved in high school sports?'

Although he has over 300 questions, most people only get asked about 50 in the two hours it takes to cover the important stories of a persons life."

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