24 may 2008

Lesson 3: Editing 101

Well, we've gotten here. That's quite a step, you know? Many people just stare at the computer and say: Meh, I think I'll do it in iMovie instead... But if you've followed since Lesson 1, and at least have tried to set a scratch disk, then you are worthy of recognition

This one is a strange lesson, because I can't really tell how you should edit your videos. I can only pass on some old editing wisdoms, and say what buttons do what things. But editing works two ways:

  1. You follow your instinct
  2. You obey the producer's orders

It is also an extensive lesson we'll have to divide into 4 parts. Today we'll concentrate on basic editing. So, let's get started...

First of all, ancient editing wisdoms:

  1. Long clips are boooooooriiiiing! Keep it short, 10 seconds per clip, at it's most...
  2. Do not overuse effects. It looks cheesy, and it can force your computer into a crash, unless you render
  3. Transitions ARE an effect
  4. Sound is important. Try to use sound transitions whenever sound levels jump a lot between clips
  5. Don't listen to music while editing... Trust me...
  6. Save your project, for God's sake, Save every 5 minutes!!! You can't trust on the autosave feature too much...
  7. Don't edit more time than you can spend having fun. You'll get bored, and eventually, you will do neither. Try to balance it..

Now, off to the EditCave (cheesy 70´s superhero music):

If you've payed attention, you now know each of the windows in FCP (Browser, Canvas, Viewer, Timeline). You also know how to upload footage (Log and Capture). So now, all you've got to do is, move your mouse button over to the Browser. That's it. Double-click the desired clip to make it appear on the Viewer. Now that "Kat's_Birthday_Party_001.1" is on the viewer, proceed to select an in and an out point. (Remember Lesson 1's shortcuts? I= set in-point, O = set out-point) Now, once you've set the in-point at the moment Kat's face is shoved deep into the cake by good old Tommy Benson, and the out point when Kat throws cake at Tommy's face, click and drag the Viewer's screen. You can either drag it to the Timeline, and drop it there, or to the Canvas, were a small multicolored menu will appear, displaying different options: Insert, Superimpose, etc. Choose the one you prefer. If your clip appeared exactly as you wanted on the Timeline, congratulations, you've succesfully edited a clip!!!

Now, that's adrenaline, ain't it?

Keep tuned for part 2 of lesson 3!

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