28 dic 2010

ARRI Alexa vs Canon 7D latitude & grading comparison

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Filed under: Cameras

ARRI Alexa vs Canon 7D latitude & grading comparison

Matt Jeppsen | 12/28

Pushing pixels around to see where these two cameras fall apart


It seems a little absurd to be comparing a $1500 camera to the ARRI Alexa, but such is the world that we currently live in…DSLR video has made major inroads in production, and there are many situations where it is well-suited. But as with any tool, part of deciding when to use it is knowing where it fails. To that end, here is a video test chart comparison by Nick Paton ACS that shows how these two cameras fall apart when over/underexposed and then graded back to neutral. In short, this test highlights one key area where the Alexa is vastly superior to the Canon 7D. Watch and learn…

Alexa vs 7d latitude tests from Nick Paton ACS on Vimeo.

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